What are the most disappointing tags on Steemit? Here is my choice:

Update: The worst tag I've found now is #climate-change (which is ideally strongly related to #science). Something like 80-90% of the most popular articles are worse than trash. Something to work on Steemit!

If Steemit is to be successful, the quality of postings will have to improve. I love posting here, but when it comes to finding great content I've been going elsewhere. For those who wade through the New posts, how long does it take you to find something worth reading? What percent of posts with the tag you are looking at actually relate to that tag?
To me, the worst offender I've found so far is the Science tag. On a recent count only 10-20% of new science-tagged posts had anything to do with real actual science. Pseudoscience, anti-science, and science fiction made up the majority and then 20% just seemed to throw science in there for no obvious reason. There is a reason the science subreddits are so heavily policed I guess.
What are the Steemit tags you've had the biggest issues with?

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