Things that can be Improved to Steemit....

From the eyes of a 12 year old boy

Although Steemit is an absolute incredible website, I still think there are some adjustments that could be made to the Steemit website (that I have picked from other social media sites) that would make Steemit much easier to use.

Adding Notifications - for example, there is a Steemian you are dying to see new content from but because you have been looking at another Steemian, you have missed some of their good quality work. If there was a notification system that wouldn't happen!

A recommended bar - although it is sometimes annoying, it does much more good than bad as sometimes when you are running out of posts to look at with that certain genre, you can often lose interest. Which could mean going onto another social media site and forgetting all about Steemit. However, with a recommended bar you might find someone you didn't know made that content.

Channel art - this is something that happens on YouTube and I think the space which is just blue could be covered in something that makes your profile unique to everyone else's.

Adding a most popular, oldest and newest list - this is one of the things that would be great because as your post gets older and new ones come in, the oldest entries sink into the massive abyss. When your someone who constantly posts on steemit, some of your quality posts are lost. So if there was a list ordering your posts, you could tell someone your most popular post, and your first one as well instead of having to scroll down the endless amount of posts.

A post list - on steemit I thought if you could arrange all your posts into different sections.
So if you had poems you could put that in one post list and if you had blogs you could put that in another post list.

Those were my suggestions! if you would like to see these things happen to steemit please resteem it because nothing is perfect... not even Steemit.

Hope you enjoyed

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