Hots or Shots ~ A Steemit Exclusive ~ Episode One!

Well here we go!

I'm nervous, anxious, excited!

I guess for everyone that doesn't know about this, it makes sense I give you a lil breakdown.

Hots or Shots
is a show I've created exclusively for this community.
For this show, I'm traveling around the world to meet and interview steemians in person.
The interview consists of 10 completely random and open ended questions.
Although the questions are not political or religious in nature, they do a good job of utilizing ones ideology.
Before the interview begins a coin flip occurs.
The result of the flip determines if that episode will be
If the flip is Hots, we will eat progressively spicier foods before each question.
If the flip is Shots, we drink shots of liquor.
That pretty much sums it up.

I was heavily inspired by a show I watch regularly called
Hot Ones
I love the show and thought to myself, to bring this to the Steemit community and it's members would be so much cooler than just interviewing celebrities.
So I built upon that concept and came up with
Hots or Shots

I spent the next couple months saving my steem. Once I had enough, I cashed out and began to buy the equipment I needed to get started.
I planned my first trip and it was off to the races.

I do want to say that a project like this was a completely new experience to me.
So I will admit the first couple episodes are a lil rough around the edges.
I've since brought on an editor
(another steemian @liberty-minded),
as well as improved some of my gear.
So please know, as the show progresses, the production quality will progress as well.

Quick note, although I'm using YouTube to host the content, the links are unlisted.
This a Steemit Exclusive!
The income I make for this project will come solely from this platform.
Having said that....
I hate to state the obvious, but if you like what I'm doing here, please...
Upvote and Resteem

So join me on my adventure as I meet some of the coolest people the planet can offer!

It's my pleasure to introduce to you
Hots or Shots
and my awesome guest

Let's Get Sauced!

All love, hate, recommendations, criticisms and feedback of any kind...I welcome in the comments below.
Hope you enjoy!

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