Meet Steem's #1 so called "Added Value" Self absorbed Influencers

I have millions of followers that consistently see the posts and videos I make about Steem.

When steemit devs started rewarding so called influencers at the beginning under the term "added value" I called that BS.
If these are really influencers with millions of followers, they do not need anyone's support on steemit, all they need "is to have their followers join and upvote them".

From the gutters of youtube, twitter, and other social media outlets we seem to attract the worst of the worst and reward them in the hopes they bring in their imaginary followers.

I have been around the social media marketing realm for years and know the ins and outs of buying followers and faking views and so on...

We need to stop this habit of bringing self absorbed losers on this platform and pretending it's added value, it's not. I will not name the obvious from day one. But let's look at the latest joke...

This great YouTube success who has millions of followers and making videos like these on youtube:

Not that I never ever heard of this guy neither in crypto nor on youtube before, here he is complaining about abuse which is preventing him from being the #1 author on Steemit.

What added value content we expect from this great youtube success :


To be fair though he admitted it was not his proudest moment:

I posted a picture in my boxers and got $344 on it, so I'm not coming to you as some saint here who is just perfect.


After reading his rant I did look at his youtube profile, I wanted to know what this latest migrant from youtube success does:

I found a collection of nothing, which explains his latest job description:

I have millions of followers that consistently see the posts and videos I make about Steem. 2 or 3 times a day I make a new post with nearly all of my creative energy funneled into Steem. In other words, being a witness and author on Steem is what I do full time.

A full time witness and author:

let's tackle the witness part first...

OK he is not really a top witness just a back up so not a big issue there, lets look at his other full time job a steemit author:

The feedback on the video was so positive that I spent about $100 to get this post created for you here out of the video, and then edited it prior to publishing! I appreciate you being here and I hope you have a wonderful day today.

hmmm he paid someone $100 to make the post and he edited it? reminds me of another influencer who is too drunk to know what he is talking about...

OK OK he did point out some abuse which btw was already known and discussed, but let's give him some credit, what kind of abuse did he discover?

How is it @mindhunter can make photo posts like this, earning four dollars and getting 25 views, and becoming the top author?

Yes this abuse can only be topped by this:

but that's not the part that is bad, these abusers are doing something worse they are "upvoting themselves"!

could these abusers be followers of some successful youtuber who recommends "upvoting yourself"?

watch the first five minutes of this video:


maybe we have a case where the student outdone the teacher, I do not know. But one thing is certain this teacher will expose you to the public if you are standing between him and the #1 spot on steemit

What should we do as a community?

we should let these self absorbed millions of followers successful and amazing migrants bring their own support to steemit. Trust me if they are true to what they claim, 1 million upvotes from minnows will put them above and beyond what they need.

Meanwhile we should continue to support authors from the steemit community who have proven themselves. Those who do not flash imaginary following elsewhere, or who's only claim to fame is not fake views elsewhere....

Let's dump this fake added value garbage and go back to the true meaning of social media, social media that tolerates the good and the bad, and let growth police itself.

Yes we do have room for everyone, nobody needs to pay someone a $100 to to be his ghost writer... and people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

no nonsense ....

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