Two INCREDIBLE Steemians You HAVE To Follow! - Meet The Innovators

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I'm writing a little promotional piece today as I've been incredibly impressed over the years watching both @StephenKendal and Jeff Berwick the @DollarVigilante make bang-on trend predictions and targets when it comes to cryptocurrencies.

Of course we all know Jeff. The man has been giving us correct investment advice with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for more than half a decade.

He called Bitcoin, Dash, Ethereum and of course he's the reason many of us are on Steemit today! We've witnessed the self coined phrase "The Berwick Effect" often times as Jeff puts together an analysis of a cryptocurrency and we see it skyrocket, and then we see it correct right after he says it's about to correct.

Coincidence? Possibly. But seeing what happened with Steemit after he joined, it's certainly not always a coincidence. ;)

He's truly changing the anarcho-capitalist world and bringing flocks of people to this incredible platform!

If you don't follow him, you're missing out!

A recent interview I did with Jeff:

Then of course there's Stephen Kendal! I like to brag a little that I gave him the initial heads up about Steemit last August and low and behold he took to it fast and has become one of the most influential people on the platform! His mind numbing, quick analysis of STEEM and Bitcoin are phenomenal!

He predicted an imminent target price of a $2.80 peak when STEEM was at about 42 cents! People laughed at him. Well they didn't laugh long! STEEM peaked several weeks later at exactly $2.80 before correcting!

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His imminent year end target price is now $4.70 with a 650k year end user rate!

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Stephen is someone who was also looked at as if he were crazy back in 2007 when he pulled his money out right before the crash. He's a derivatives expert as well, calling out the heavily manipulated debt driven markets inflating bubbles left and right. We were lucky to see him on Max Keiser and invite him on to WAM.

You can see one of our many interviews with him here:

These two people are in my opinion some of the most important people to follow on Steemit.

Now there are countless other amazing Steemians that are also incredibly important to follow and I will update you on some of those people in the coming weeks when I have time. I just wanted to send those following me who haven't already followed Jeff and Stephen over to check their incredible work out!

Both of their advice have made me a pretty good sum of money over time and as the fiat empire collapses, insuring your wealth is more important than ever.

As people flock to the crypto markets, we're seeing tell tale signs of people rightly losing faith in the fiat centrally planned system. We are in a renaissance... we're on the ground floor. Don't miss out!


Thanks for reading! Don't forget to Upvote, Follow & RESTEEM! :)

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