My List of Favorite Steemit Bloggers

My List of Favorite.jpg

Source - Design by me

I booked this Friday to do something that I kept stalling, putting off doing in the last 2 weeks. Today I bring you a list of my best bloggers here at Steemit. In these 10 months I've been here at Steemit I met wonderful people who served me and still serve as inspiration for the posts that they write and for the person that they be here.

This post is first and foremost a "Thank You Post" for these people that serve as an example to be followed. In addition to a thank you post, it is a recognition post to these great authors that I hope one day (who knows) we know personally out of the environment of Blockchain to talk and drink a beer 😃🍻.

This list I produced is not a closed list, there are certainly many other authors that I accompany here and that in the future will also be on this list.📄

Let's go to the Nominees!🏆





It's always a great pleasure to open my feed here on Steemit and see your post. Your posts is always with a lot of positively, words of motivation for the community and with much sympathy, you can express yourself very well and your words and knowledge are of great value especially for the newbies who join on this platform. Too good to speak a little Portuguese with you, my friend.



I believe that our mutual following goes from the time I joined this platform. You have been a great supporter of my posts and I am very grateful for that. Your posts are without comments, they are very well produced, with wonderful photos and very delicious recipes. Surely you are a success on this platform and I hope that you become more and more successful.

@yoganarchista 💃

A great supporter and friend. You are very creative and convey a lot of feeling (deep and intense feelings) in your posts. His poems are always very loaded with emotion, simplicity, humility and truth. Her talent as a draftsman and actress certainly elevates a lot and adds a lot to this community and I wish that your success here to be full.

@aksynia 🎨

A great friend who has been with me since I joined Steemit. A great artist, a great woman, a great wife and a great mother. A wonderful person, inspiring and I wish all the best for you.



My Chilean friend who has always been with me here. Our friendship was most evident in the times of Steemit Bar with our friend @the-ego-is-you. You have a giant talent in graphic design, you have a lot of creativity, you are a very humble person, you are too friendly and simple enough and I admire you a lot for that.

@lordemau 📷

He's my Brazilian friend and brother here at Steemit. A great photographer who now lives and battles in Pisa - Italy. A very simple person, with an incredible talent, humble, very hardworking who runs after his dreams and his photos reveal a depth of incredible feeling.



My favorite rock star. Your friendship and support have always been and are important to me. You are very talented in your music and in your compositions. A woman who fights for her dream to live through her music, very cheerful, kind and friendly. Your success is already something that is happening, you are a star that will never stop shining. Much success and peace for you.

@liliana.duarte 🍮

A big and good surprise to have found you here. I stay amazed to see your posts about Portugal, the recipes and landscapes of this country that I dream a lot to know. Our friendship certainly surpasses the Atlantic Ocean and I hope one day to go to Portugal to drink a Sagres with you.

This was my list of my best bloggers / friends here at Steemit!

Surely have many other names I would like to quote here, but I will leave it for another opportunity. I thank all those who inspire me in these 10 months that I am on this platform. I always say that here is a roller coaster of emotions, but it is, above all, a great school and a factory of brilliant, creative minds, of human beings who seek every day their surpassing and recognition to each post and this is the which drives this community and the Steem ecosystem as a whole. We are all part of this gear, together we are very strong.💪

Thanks for reading my post!

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