The Mystery of Getting 1000 Followers when you started at Steemit a little over a week ago.

I have already seen some posts of people announcing that they have started in Steemit recently and have reached 1000 followers or more. I personally have not reached 800 followers yet and I have been in Steemit for almost a year. Of course, I am not very active in the Steemit.Chat or Discord and besides I was, in all this time, three seasons of more than a month outside of Steemit almost completely for lack of good Internet while I was in Cuba. But anyway ...

For me it's a mystery how to get 1000 followers starting a little over a week ago at Steemit.


And it's not that it's a lie or something. When you look at the list of followers, they really do. Now, in addition to the question based on my curiosity of how they got them I also wonder something else.

How many of these followers will actually interact with you?

I remember that at the beginning of starting Twitter, people were desperate to have more followers and more and more. You followed me, I followed you and we all followed everyone. And yes, in the end you had a lot of followers but only very few actually saw what you were posting. You noticed by the little interaction that there was. At that time everyone wanted their tweets read but few read the tweets of others. The reasons were several but one was obvious, there was more "production" than "demand". There were more people who wanted to be read than people who read. The interaction was very little and a social network is to have conversations between several voices, at least two. The one-voice conversation is not very funny. This was until Twitter became more famous and the "followers" began to arrive.

It seems to me that is a little what is happening in Steemit now with this new wave of users that has recently arrived.


Those same posts I've seen with bombastic titles have less than 30 views and votes and also only just a few cents of reward giving me the reason in what I think about the little interaction despite having many followers. And putting myself as an example, not many of my posts get to have more than 150 views giving me an idea that yes, there are more than 200 000 accounts in Steemit and about 750 of them follow me but from all of those which really Interacted with me during all this time are less than 300. And in the day to day in Steemit could say that less than 50. I repeat, I am not a personage known in Steemit, nor is that many of them are found, but there are. Users who interact with hundreds of people every day (or when posting a post) as @stellabelle (3155 followers), @timsaid (2457 followers), @kevinwong (3052 followers), @sweetsssj (2772 followers), @kyriacos (1939 Followers), @meesterboom (1651 followers) or the well-known by many @papa-pepper (3672 followers) to put some examples. They have been in Steemit for more than a year publishing quality content all this time organically creating the network of followers that, I can assure you, does interact with them.

From what I see, how to get 1,000 followers starting just a week ago at Steemit, is going to remain a mystery to me :P


And for the new people who are just starting out at Steemit, I do not think it's important or necessary to know it also. It seems to me, that the most important thing for you right now is to publish quality content, share it in Steemit.Chat, in the Facebook groups about Steemit (there are several already with a lot of people) or on Twitter and persevere. Also interact commenting on posts of other users, that is a very good way to be noticed and possibly win followers. Do not give up, keep posting and interacting. If the content you publish really has quality, there will always be a public for it and the "real followers" will arrive.

Always quality over quantity!


Follow me @juanmiguelsalas

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