On Saturday evening a group of us Montrealers had a meetup downtown for dinner and drinks. I'm always a little hesitant to meet people from the internet, it seems to go against common sense but for some reason I actually want to meet people from Steemit! Many of the people who came I have chatted with on discord also so it didn't seem like a big step to go have drinks in real life.
We met at 6PM at the Sir Winston Churchill pub on Crescent Street. Unfortunately it's already starting to get a bit dark here at that time and my camera is pretty weak in low light but I tried to document the evening regardless. I apologize in advance for any graininess in the photos :)
The night begins by getting out at Metro Guy Concordia. If you didn't know all the metro stations in Montreal were designed by different artists so they all have a distinct look. I love the retro/futuristic vibe of this one. It feels kind of like a spaceship, but a 1960's spaceship:
Here are a few shots on the walk from the metro to the pub:
We arrived at the pub a little late, everyone was still chatting outside. It's a massive three story pub with terraces, I'm a dummy and didn't take a group photo outside, derp:
@yangelin was smart and he brought name tags for everyone and a sign for the table:
I could't get a good photo of everyone this is the one that turned out best, at least it has a Steemit shirt in it (that was @steemquebec)!
After we finished eating we hit the terrace outside, we managed to secure an entire side terrace to ourselves. Things got a bit rowdy and a glass was broken. Here is @philodendron pretending to drink from it :D
Around 10 or 11 Crescent Street starts to get a little nuts and the noise was insane. There were Leafs/Canadians fans chanting hockey taunts at each other, drunk college kids everywhere and a lot of people trying to sell us roses. We decided to leave the bar and hung out on the street for a bit.
There is a massive mural of Leonard Cohen being worked on right across the street:
We moved to a slightly quieter place and chatted a bit more, I grabbed a few photos of Crescent Street just to give you an idea of the chaos on a Saturday night:
At this point we decided to part ways and it was back to the groovy metro:
All in all it was an excellent night! Everyone who came was super nice and I would be thrilled to meet them for drinks again! The chat flowed smoothly, we were all excited about Steemit and I feel like I made some new friends.
See you all again soon!
A bientot mes amis!
<3 Julia