Thoughts on the first Steem City Niigata meetup!


For those that don't know, about a month ago, I started a new community here on Steemit called @steemcityniigata. After planting that seed, pretty soon @boxcarblue (he had been thinking of starting something similar) joined the project and we teamed up to decide how the whole thing might work.

As it stands now there are five vesting members, and several other members who are non-vestors, but who can utilize the account's posting key to post and receive exposure, a chance at greater ease of networking, and the synergy (and its financial benefits) that come with belonging to a group or community both here on the platform and in "real life."


@steemcityniigata is working towards establishing an independent barter/trade/support/steem economy both online and off for Steemit users located in and around Niigata City, Japan.

I hope that this initiative will encourage others to establish similar independent markets and hubs, in the interest of increasing quality of relationship, financial freedom, and just overall well-being and quality of life for each individual member, both online and off.

To hear some thoughts from group members about the meetup today, please check out the post over on @steemcityniigata! It's a group post, so for 7 days it is an open work in progress, with multiple bloggers editing and uploading their thoughts. Be sure to check for updates!




Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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