Steemit is really great and addictive, but let's not forget the other things in our lives.

Steemit is really great. As a matter of fact, it's addictive. The number of hours I've spent on Steem this past week is more than i have done anything else.  While there are a lot of things that need being done, I remember before the summer started i had plans to start a new you tube series( to solve programming questions in the book "Starting out with java from control structures through objects by Tony Gaddis", and while i am still on track, i will admit that Steemit has taken some of the time i would have invested in the videos(That's not entirely a bad things at all). We've all been rewarded very nicely on Steemit from time to time. The combination of being able to write your heart out, give value to people and to the entire community, getting feedback, while being rewarded for it is the best marriage in town for years. That i think is one of the many major reasons why we all have Steemit as our surnames now.

Steemit is great. It's wonderful. I must say it's just amazing. I don't think I'll ever have the words for it. To describe Steemit is like describing how your favorite ice cream tastes like. This community is new, young, revolutionary and i for one advocate it and recommend that everyone joins. For those who are already on it, i humbly ask that you write what you know about and give value to the community and to Steemit as a whole. Invite your friends and honestly give them an honest reason to join. Walk them through the process, that's one of the major reasons Steemit is going to go big and grow. And let's all enjoy our love(Steemit), "addictively" or not(as i believe "addictively" is not entirely a bad thing, depending on how you view it).

But the major key point here is that. While we all are addicted(in a good way), and enjoying these good early times, into the Steemit's wonderful future, i know we all know this, just a little reminder, let's not forget that we have other important things to do in our lives. Steemit will always hopefully be there for us all. That's the good thing. We can always come back to it and hug it again.

Happy Steeming everyone!

#steemit #life #balance

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