How I made $40,894.97 Blogging On Steemit

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I wouldn't exactly consider myself an expert like some of the people on here. I don't fully understand every aspect on Steemit, But for you newbies! It's highly recommended that you do as much research as possible. Understand the whole spectrum of Steemit! I learn more everyday!

Post, Post and Post Some More

  • Write about interesting things that have happened in your life, The good, The bad! Anything that people may find interesting!

  • What do you know a lot about? Write about that!
    If you are an expert on fishing, Show us your photos! Write about how others can learn to fish, Write about your experiences with fishing, And why you fell in love with it!

  • Post tips, Or things that will add to peoples life.
    What do you know that others may not? Post it! Create quality content that will improve the life of others, Everyone has something to share.

Experiment, Experiment, Experiment.

Don't look at every post in the financial aspect. Use those numbers to figure what went well and what didnt.

  • Did you double check for typos?
  • Did you do formatting to make your article attractive?
  • Is this subject not yet popular on Steemit?
  • Try other subjects you are good with, And write about those. See what does best.
    Although keep in mind...
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What does well today, May not do well tomorrow

Things are constantly changing at Steemit, that is the beauty of it, Explore, expand and grow on your wonderful ideas!

Add Photos/Videos

Many people dont' seem to sit down and read a big long book, We like to read stuff that is

  1. Fun
  2. Easy
  3. Full of photos!
    Post original photos that you have taken! They don't have to be perfect, You don't have to be a photographer, Just take photos with your smartphone and make it look gorgeous!

Upvote quality content

See something that deserves recongnition? Be sure to upvote it. You get paid a when you upvote content, In addition to writing your own stuff! Try to upvote stuff thats new, That may not have a lot of upvotes.

Don't post garbage

This is NOT a Get Rich quick scheme!

Do your best to only post high quality content, Don't steal articles on the web, Or other peoples work here on Steemit. This website is about building a reputation. If you ruin your name, People may ignore you in the future. Take the time with every post to make it wonderful!
People make a lot of money who post lots of good content Constantly and they are also Consistent
It's going to take a ton of work, But it will be worth it in the end. You probably waste hours on Facebook everyday, Instead use that time on Steemit and get PAID!
Sometimes you may post something you feel you deserve a lot for, And it may not make very much, This happens sometimes.
Besides, How much money have you made from Facebook? Reddit? Twitter? Instagram? Snapchat?
Did you say 0.00?
Yeah.. thats what I thought!

Have fun

Read and enjoy the posts from others! Practice your writing abilities, Have fun! This site is new, Interesting and super exciting! You are now apart of a wonderful community that is growing quickly! Be proud!

One Day Steemit Will Rule The WORLD!

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