Daily Thoughts #21: 5 Takeaways for The Future Trends of Employment (未来就业趋势的5大重点)

This weekend I went to the MaGIC Academy Symposium 2017 - Disruptive Entrepreneurship which one of the session is about the future trends of employment in the next 10 years. The panels were with different background and willingly shared their personal perspective on how to stay relevant in the next decade’s job employment.  

这个周末,我出席了MaGIC Academy Symposium 2017 - Disruptive Entrepreneurship论坛会,其中一个论坛环节,就谈到了未来10年的就业趋势。论坛嘉宾都是来自本地不同行业的佼佼者,他们无私地分享了自己对这个趋势的看法和建议如何在未来十年的就业趋势做好准备。 

Talking about the quality that a person should have to be resilient in the future employment scenario, it is important to know what kind of quality should we equip. Here are 5 takeaways from the panels: 



Take initiative to learn by asking and doing. It is important to have this attitude as people will not know how to help you when you are not asking or doing things. I found it very relevant as without the initiative, I will become a puppet of the system that others had built, just following the routine and rules. While taking initiative, you can discover your own interest and define your own character by keep exploring and learning. This is the quality that was highlighted by all the panels which they themselves also possessed as entrepreneurs. 

1 有主动性 



When you face a problem, what will you do? Do you find a solution? Do you find someone or something to blame? A progression from the first value, take initiative to find solution for the problem. Find out what the root of the problem is by troubleshooting and asking people with more experience. It is important to learn how to bootstrap and get yourself out of the problem. 

2 问题解决者 



In this era, no man is an island. We need to learn how to communicate and mix with all types of people. For example, in a company there are all kind of characters like bossy, helpful, independent, dependent, introvert, extrovert and so on. It is inevitable that we will come across these variety of people in a single company as the company needs the diversification to create a comprehensiveness in its operation and management. Thus, we need to learn how to collaborate and work with people of all kind or else it is us that will become the black sheep in the company. Besides that, storytelling is one of the most important communication skill that we should have as an individual. When we know how to tell story, we are more likely to get a deal done or persuade someone. People are stimulated with stories, especially those with progression and climax. Therefore, we must equip some stories that we can use to sell ourselves from time to time. There are ways to curate a story: from your own experience, from others experience or from what you read.  

3 沟通能力 



Again, take the initiative to learn about things that matter in this era. What is the current trend of this era? What is the hottest jobs in the world right now? What are the big companies and billionaires are venturing into? What are the cutting edges technology right now? Where are our own country right now in terms of economy and technology advancement?  All these questions can lead us to become relevant with the current society. Note that application of AI, automation and roboticization are slowly become the norm for all the industries in the world, there will eventually jobs that will become obsolete but also new jobs will be created to solve the new problems. Like in Malaysia, there are limited young AI graduates that could fuel the transformation of the nation’s industries. Thus, this could be a golden bucket for those who seek for opportunities. In the last few decades, if you study oil and gas will more or less guarantee you a great pay while now, it is about the knowledge of integrating with technology. However, there are a lot of niche areas that can be explore. Just go out there and find your spot. When you spotted something, give all you got to become the standing point. Frankly speaking, it is not easy to find one, hence there may need a lot of try and error before getting one.  

4 找出自己在这个时代的定位 

自己得主动去了解这个时代的事情。时下最流行的事物是什么?最热门的职位是什么?大企业和富豪们在投资什么?最前端的科研是什么?目前你的国家所处的经济和科技发展如何? 这些问题都可以让我们更了解现在所处在的社会。比如人工智能,自动化和机器人化慢慢成为了现代工业的趋势,未来的工作很多会被取代,但是也会制造不同新的职业。在马来西亚,就缺乏懂得人工智能的人才。所以,这对日后寻找机会的我们看到能下手的地方。这就好比几十年前,就读油气一行的都大赚了一笔,可是今日却是懂得科技的人能捞得红利。其实,在每一处都会有优势的领域,我们得主动自己去寻找并发掘它。当我们发现了,就赶紧成为那个领域的标杆。老实说,这也是一个多劳的旅程,得经历很多试错才会得到。 


 There are a lot of the young nowadays, including me, are feared to make the wrong decision in life. Scared of making decision, this makes us not daring to try anything other than being inside the existing comfort zone. This will inhibit us to see what the world can actually offer to us when we dare to take the initiative to try things out. Making decision itself is also a skill that not many of us can master well. It is about how to analyze the situation, relate to your current situation and foresee what the consequences are. Using risk management and a bit of courage, most of us can overcome this fear of making decision and become someone that is decisive in the future.  

5 勇敢做决定 


These are the points that I managed to pick up. I had experienced on how all these points could affect my life and still going through the journey that these skills could lead me to. Amazingly, all the skills mentioned above can be sharpen by practicing nonstop, literally. So scare to make decision? Keep on find things to make decision by taking initiative to do something, take something on. There are just too many things out there for us to discover as the world is a treasure trove.  


Here are some keynotes' sketch and the event's photo.


Note that there were approximate 130 startups booths right here!


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