Daily Thoughts #22: Work for a large company or a startup? 就业选择大企业还是创业公司?

It has been awhile since I posted on Steemit. Gonna pace up! Lately, had OT until ten something and it is too tiring for me to write. 


Here is my second post of sharing for attending the MaGIC Academy Symposium 2017 - Disruptive Entrepreneurship last Saturday. I know that this is a bit late to share (already 4 days ago) but I wrote this bit by bit as energy is limited. 

这个是我上个拜六 MaGIC Academy Symposium 2017 - Disruptive Entrepreneurship 的第二个分享。我知道这有点迟了(四天了)但我是每天一点一点累积写出来的。

For a young graduate, it is always a dilemma to choose between big corporate and small startup. Yes, I totally agree with the statement as myself also went through the process and made the decision to start with a small startup.  



Startups are usually flat structure whereby it is easier to learn and get our hands dirty. It is important to learn hands on as this is what it takes to build something from scratch. To think that without getting hands dirty, doing all the petty jobs, a startup will be just a dream. Plus, it is normal that all the people within a startup, including the founders, the co-founders, the employees to wear many hats. This is to maximize the production output while staying lean. Bootstrapping is the key of survival and to live under our means is the starting life for startup. 


In terms benefits, the good thing about startup’s flat structure is that I can directly learn from the boss or managerial level people. With a single leap, I can become the leading figure as well. While in corporate, it is impossible to achieve such leap and learning curve. 



Starting with big corporate, you have attractive package benefits and remuneration. But this may lead us to a comfort zone where we may no longer have the passion to push ourselves further. Nevertheless, to some others, it may be a boost for them to kickstart their own startup after a few years in the corporate. 加入大企业,将可以获得很好的福利配套和工资。但是,这可能让我们进入舒适区而失去斗志。凡是都有例外,一些在大企业待了几年后,就储存足够的资源来创业。 

Unfortunately, the misconception being in big corporate is that we can never learn more stuff. However, this is not entirely true as this relates back to the self-initiative that was mentioned by all the speakers. The leaders (managers and bosses) are not able to know what to teach, but it is up to us to ask. In addition to that, the corporate are always at the look up for ‘intrapreneur’ which those entrepreneurial people that work within the corporate. They are the ones who can drive innovation for the company. Besides that, the speaker also highlighted that what we learnt from the corporate will always be an asset when we know how to utilize it.  


In corporate, we will think that it is hard to learn and hard to get promoted as there are too many structures. Corporate has no choice to create structure so that it can manage thousands of people. Unfortunately, the structure itself cause the corporate to be slow and rigid. Thus, corporate now are considering agile startup to extend their development to the edges. So, this could a great chance for those entrepreneurs to aim for this opportunity. Either to get invest or to get an exit by selling the startup to the corporate.  


No matter which one we choose, there is no right or wrong to join either of them. It depends on our situation: 



Financial security  

whether you can sustain yourself if going to a startup. One cannot expect high salary from a startup. Some of us, even like me would prefer a layer of foundation (backup cash) to be used in contingency. Without that sum of money, it will be like going out naked. On the other hand, some of us would not be that worry on the financial security, either they can live below their means while others may have financial support from others.  





it is important to know what you want to do before going for a startup. It is not wise to pursue entrepreneurial path just to follow the trend. There was a question that mentioned about wanting to startup but had yet to think what to start. It is more advisable to know what to do then only pursue entrepreneurship by taking up the challenge ourselves.  



As mentioned by Richard Ker, his dream is to build and own a company. However, the path he took is going to big corporate then only to his recent startup, Airshoppr. Along the way, he picked up different skills, knowledge and most importantly the network. It is very hard to find the right co-founder to start up something and to stay committed. While for Kimberly Wan, her corporate experience was less than Richard’s as she started her startup after a year plus graduating from university. She also found her interest and lucky to meet her co-founder that led to the establishment of Otomate Me

Richard Ker是其中一位分享嘉宾,他的愿望就是建造和拥有一间公司。但,他是从加入企业后并在最近才创业。在他身在企业中的时候,他获得了不同的技能,知识和最重要的人脉。他说道,找到对的合伙人并能一起坚持付出是非常困难的事。至于Kimberly Wan,她毕业不到一年半后就创业了。她也找到了她的兴趣又幸运地遇到能和她一同打拼的合伙人。 

Personally, I also dream about building and owning my own company. This came a bit late for me while I was going through my degree study. I am aware that the journey will be tough, but I do believe that by creating these assets as soon as possible, the life in the future will be very much better.  


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