Mining Lesson Meetup (How I convined 48 Japanese to join Steemit !)

Mining Lesson Meetup

Japan is all about cryptocurrency right now. Even after the Chinese didn't buy so many bitcoins because of the withdrawal ban of the Chinese Government, Japanese and Korean buyers kept the price of Bitcoin up. I was invited by @minecc to the Mining Lesson Meetup up he had organized and Ken Shishido asked me if I could speak about my mining experiience. I agreed to talk to a group of around 50 Japanese GPU miners and I took the chance after 10 minutes talking about GPU and Asics mining to shift the attention over to Mining via

There were already 2 Steemit members, but the rest of the class had never heard about I started explaining about how the system works, and that Writing is the new mining. Everybody was thrilled about the idea of getting paid for their blog (you don't need to buy expensive mining hardware or have the maintenance trouble) so I showed them that a blogger who stays a year on Steemit could earn more than a GPU miner who can only run 15 GPUs in his home's basement.

Mining learning Meetup

2017-07-16 09.54.43

2017-07-16 09.57.48

2017-07-16 10.18.58

2017-07-16 10.34.17

2017-07-16 10.36.58

2017-07-16 10.48.22

2017-07-16 10.48.29

Luckily I was the last to speak on this event, so once I stopped everybody came to me and started asking detailed questions about Steemit. I left them my Chat name and username and suddenly the Japanese Chat on Steemit chat got crowded 4days ago.

Here are 16 new members, please welcome them with applause:


there is many more I will update this list again ;)

I am blogging about the following topics :

I travel the world (Travel and Restaurant Blog)
Exposed (Uncovering Stories you need to know)
Lifehacks (How to save money,etc) 
SPOTTED (Limited Edition Food, Drinks, Gadgets)
Steemperlen (German Version, Series Ended)
SQUEEZE (Interview Series) 
COOKED (10 Episodes Cooking Series)
Working anytime, anywhere (New series for freelancers)
Frequent Traveller (New series about Travel Hacks and FFPs) 
HEAVEN (NEW Luxury Travel Magazine)
German Sausages

ABOUT ME: Some insides into my Steemit life

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2 columns
1 column