Steemit has insane numbers !!! Check this out

I have a habit of checking sites which do site anlysis:

So this is the Steemit User Growth, it looks pretty insane and i am sure it will continue like this

steemit traffic

The most intersting thing about steemit is the Daily Time on site, its an average of 11:36 minutes !! Thats an insane number, Facebook has 19 Minutes in average, but Facebook has so much more content and users at the moment.

So Steemit will challenge Facebook soon, as the whole model of rewarding people is the future of user generated content.



Steemit users are super engaged, the organic growth is incredible and it is locking in user at an insane rate right now. 

I am trying to decide if i should invest more into Steem $ or Steem as i predict the price will go another 1000% within 6 month !!! (Steemit is addictive and i am coming back several times a day, while i am only logging into facebook once per week... )

Please help me with this decision and leave some comments. i will upvote the best comments!

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