1 Year on Steemit with a Delegation Celebration!

Wo0ot! I'm still here after one year! :)

I first heard about Steemit from Facebook last year. I think it was an anarchism related page or group that showed a post in my feed about the Dollar Vigilante getting $11,000 from a post or something, I forget exactly. I think I was reluctant at first, being skeptical, but checked it out and decided to sign up.

I posted a copy/paste of some of my larger and more complex work to test out the water, which in retrospect was an overload of info for someone's first post. Who was gong to read all that? Thankfully someone did, or at least I thought, but it was the cheetah bot lol. I got $0.00 despite a few minor votes. I should have posted something smaller, which I did after a week or so of posting those long articles.

I soon developed the Steemit bug. Rather than continue in the second CCENT course to get a job in Cisco routing and networking, I was now into Steemit trying to get the philosophical work I do out for more people to understand, and I could make some money here and there. I was putting out my work for free before, so Steemit rocks!

It's been 365 days since I registered. Thank you Steemit for creating this platform, and thank you fellow Steemians for being part of this platform!

It's been a wild ride. At times I've posted little, a lot, or not at all. I had my period of success in the past. I became a witness, and I also made a curation site (SteemKURE) but I didn't think it merited further development.

I have been absent from posting since last Friday as I have been learning more web development frameworks based in Javascript.

Since I am not posting or curating for now, I would like to offer some of my Steem Power to others through delegation. I will delegate 30,000 SP as I see fit. It could be 30,000 to one person, or 10,000 to 3 people, etc.

If you would like to have some extra power, let me know why you think you should have it. I'll consider those who don't use pay4vote services or self-vote with higher priority.

No guarantees, but who knows, maybe your interests and mine align and you will get some extra voting power for a bit ;)

Thank you and Steem on for more years to come!

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