Steemit Community Discussion 1 (2016-11-20)


I would like to start a discussion thread for us to share questions, concerns, issues, ideas and visions for where we each want to go on Steemit, and where we see Steemit to going. This will promote more clarity and cooperation through common understanding, helping us to see where we are all headed on Steemit, both individually and as a community. We can envision more ideas for the community and the platform going into the future. This can also serve as a keeping of record for issues, concerns, or suggestions to recur.

There are two general categories of how to look at Steemit: Platform and Community.

Steemit Platform - The coding functionality that we are automatically functioning by.

Ideas for questions and discussion regarding functionality that's part of the code:

what works well, what doesn't work well, what would be good to change, why something should change, why something can't change, etc.

Steemit Community - The behavior of individuals and the overall community on Steemit.

Ideas for questions and discussion regarding how we make use of the functionality:

what we post, what we curate, what are we creating, what are we developing, where are we taking the community and platform, what direction are we headed

The previous questions could also apply here: what works well, what doesn't work well, what would be good to change, why something should change, why something can't change, etc.

What happens in the back-end platform will also overlap to affect how the front-end community operates.

Please feel free to ask questions for anyone to answer, provide answers yourself, or comment in general.

Depending how this goes, I will possibly make a post with a summary or updates from the past post, allowing us to continue discussions weekly, or bi-weekly, etc. There may be issues that some people are aware of while others aren't, or even ideas for improvement and projects. I don't know. This is just an idea and we shall see where it goes... Maybe it's a poor place and better suited for text or voice chat environments.

So... what's Steeming in your mind? :)

2016-11-20, 4:50pm EST

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