The Old Dog Asks: Am I a Winner? No, Steemit is And Here's Why!

  On Sunday the 22nd of January I received the news that I had won two contests which were promoted by Steemit bloggers. By the next day 125 Steem had been transferred to my account! (picture below from

Victory One Blog Page

Victory Two Blog Page

Here Are The Payments That I Received:

Thanks to @papa-pepper and @hexdek16

Does This Mean That I'm a Winner? Actually The Steemit Platform is The Winner And Here's Why:  

 How Sponsoring Contests And Tipping or Gifting Helps Steemit 

  1.) People love contests and this promotes interaction and excitement. It gives more incentive to use the platform even by members who struggle to write articles.    

  2.) Contests are also a way of spreading wealth and success among more members. I have a 67 rating and 13,000 in steempower but my vote for you can only garner you anywhere from 0 to a few cents of SBD depending on the time of my vote and the value of your post. I do however have good success on most of my posts and so sponsoring a contest or tipping good posts or comments is a way of me sharing my success with others.  

  At the beginning of the month I announced the expansion of my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" reward program. I pick the best comments on my posts and search out undervalued posts and send the authors SBD. So far this month I have given out 57 SBD and at the end of the month I'll issue a full report.    

Questions to Ponder  

  1.) Ask yourself, am I taking advantage of the contests that are available? The two that I won had very little competition and it's very likely that you could have beaten me! I'm not really that good!  

  2.) Can you organize and run a contest? You don't even always have to put up your own prize money. @englishtchrivy regularly runs the steemitcullinarychallenge but the prize money is donated by others. Check out the donated prizes to one of @englishtchr's recent contests!

  Concluding Thoughts  

  "Do unto others, practice giving and you will receive, there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving, pay it forward, what goes around comes around". Put it any way you like but this thinking, this formula, works!   

Have fun and earn by sponsoring, running and or entering contests. If you’re a winner in contests or with your posts give some of it away. By doing so Steemit wins and when Steemit wins we all do!    

I hope that you enjoyed seeing how contests and gifting makes us all winners!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     

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