10 Questions With WolfDawg(A 7-Year-Old Answers Questions About Steemit) Episode 1

My son is always looking for ways to earn money. He doesn't get paid to do simple chores around the house as we all contribute to the mess, but he is more than willing to jump in with extra duties if he knows he can make some extra coin. He already has the willingness to want to earn coin so we are in the process of teaching him to save.

My wife refused to put family funds towards a fidget spinner; so what did he do? He saved up his own money to buy one! As a father, it made me proud to see his ingenuity to solve a real world problem.

The question that started it all.

"Daddy, What can I do to earn more money?"

The solution

I pitched the idea of answering 10 questions for Steemit every Saturday. I explained to him "Hey, the rewards may be small at the beginning, but if you work hard you will see the results". We developed an agreement in regard to funds. At first, he only wanted 10%. I didn't think that was very fair.We went over percentages using a dollar analogy and breaking percentages down down into nickels and dimes. After a few(very short)minutes, he realized 10% was not very much! We agreed he would get 50% of the payout for the posts, of that 25% will go into his pocket and the other 25% will go towards savings. Don't worry he'll see the other 50%, but it'll be a contribution towards the family. Whether it's a night out on him or a family present. I'll let him know when that day comes and I want it to be a super surprise for the work he puts towards this.

How the community can help

Submit the questions you would like answered as a reply to this story and leave an upvote. I will pick ten questions to ask him every Saturday. They can be about anything (as long as it's clean).

Deadline for Question Submittal Will be Midnight Central Standard Time on Friday, June 16th, 2017.

Check CST Time Here

The benefits

The Steemit community will be directly helping a 7-year- old learn more about work ethic and saving. Through his dedication every Saturday, I hope he will be more than satisfied with the results and that this experience will leave him with an excitement and willingness to set his mind on a goal and see the results he can achieve through hard work.

The first 10 questions

For the first episode, I developed the questions and all(except the bonus) are Steemit related. The questions were not given to him beforehand and they are answered from his perspective as a 7- year -old and what he hears around our home throughout the day. This will be the format for every week. Additionally, we all have a Steemit name right? As you can guess from the title he wants to be known as WolfDawg.


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