The Experiment, There's Only One Way Out.

There are actually more options than that. It just makes for the drama.

I don't agree with their experiment in any case.
I do understand the aim of the test, but for the extreme,
ham-fisted implementation, and lack of ability to opt out,
which would blow the experiment anyway.

I think they wanted to see what would happen to the reward distribution.
It could be that this is a known thing already, and was perfectly predictable.
The whole reward pool still goes out. Steemit, as a whole,
is still receiving the same amount of rewards,
except for the almost consistent downward trend in steem value.

It's just, less powerful voters now have the ability to apply it with their vote.
The same amount of payout is directed according to the votes
of dolphins and minnows.

I'd like to see the vote power distribution curve.
My guess is that it flattens out or stays the same shape with lower upper limit

Hey, which one do you think is Abit, and which one is Smooth?

Anyway, it was implemented in a way that very visibly,
showed the big losses of some people. This way, in theory,
smaller rewards get spread around to more people.

What will be interesting to see is where those rewards were diverted.
I wonder if we'll get to know? These guys don't post very much, so I doubt it,
but if the theory works, your vote is worth more during the experiment
than ever before, unless you are an upvote whale,
and it is truer, during the experiment that the more votes a post gets,
the more it is rewarded in aggregate.

In short, when whale voices are squelched,
the rest of our voices become more audible and a little bit louder individually,
but the same intensity, in decibels overall.

They just pissed off too many people who are very good at being persuasive,
which is what makes them good bloggers.

It could be that I have misunderstood this entirely,
and this is going to be a big, giant, embarrassing booger,
imprinted on the blockchain forever.

Decibel Scale | Mechanical waves and sound | Physics | Khan Academy


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