Happy Two Year Steemit Anniversary, to us!

I got a comment today on my post with a Steemit Achievement Award. I get these every so often for all sorts of things (never worth mentioning) but this one’s worth sharing as it’s a huge milestone I wasn’t quite expecting to be today.

I’ve been posting on Steemit for two years now, which is way longer than it feels. Its strange and sometimes feels like I just started doing this yesterday in reality a lot has changed, including the machine I’m posting on.

We started off here 2 years ago trying to survive in Acapulco, Mexico by sharing our very real story of how we arrived in this famous city. We’re still, more or less three years from the arrest, on the run for cannabis crimes in the United States. If we go back, we get arrested and we will go to prison, plain and simple. We’re just here trying to live out our lives as peacefully as possible while sharing our story in the event that we could possibly help someone like ourselves out there through sharing our story.

Steemit allowed us to share our past and current story, which apparently people found interesting enough to upvote us and support us these past few years. There have been times where we relied on it solely for our bills, but most of the time it has played an important roll in our finances each month in combination with many other pursuits and microbusinesses.

We started posting on a two in one tablet and a cell phone with a broken screen for internet and have come a long way, collecting computers and cameras in the process so we can better share our current story with you.

Admittedly it’s been a long time since we’ve really delved into the story and we’ve promised many times since to start up again but there’s many reasons we haven’t, one of them being it’s kind of hard to wrap our heads around at this point. We didn’t take notes or pictures really of coming here so some details get forgotten or misremembered, naturally. Not only that but the story is hard to remember and in some ways downright depressing, because while it was a huge adventure we were literally stressed sick the whole time here to Acapulco.

The one thing our journey taught us was the importance of cataloging our adventures, even if we do so imperfectly. For this reason I strive to post daily, if not several times daily because you never know what will happen. In the event that we ever do get arrested and sent back to the states to face our crimes, these photos and memories will still be on Steemit and I’ll still have access to my account so long as I have access to my memory.

While it can be a bit nervewracking being on the run and in the spotlight at times, it is comforting to know that no matter what we will be able to revisit our lives here, even if just through the posts. I will say though, should I end up in the states against my will I’ll be working to get back here, or at least south of the border.

So thank you guys, for giving us reasons to keep posting now two years later. Thank you to everyone who has supported us, including many local people within Mexico who have been kinder to us than friends or family in some cases.

Check out the links below for more like this one!

IntroduceYourself Revised: Lily Da Vine and John
Why I am Highly Functional by Lily DaVine
The Perks of Doing What You Love

In case you missed them, some of my recent posts:

Blue Silver Fumed Sherlock Pipe is For Sale!
Coming Soon: Fresh Out of the Glass Oven
Rebel Dog's New Harness for less than 15 USD from the Central Market

Hi there, if you're new to my blog here on Steemit check out this for more information on who we are and how we got here.

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