5500 Followers on Steemit! Thank you!

After nearly two years on Steemit we’ve finally reached the milestone of 5500 followers.

Our first followers came here for our story, something they know well but most of the other like….4000 or so followers likely aren’t very aware of at this point.

That little “on the run” descriptor in our banner isn’t just a catch phrase, it’s the truth. We came here two and a half year in dire cirumstances on the run from the US government for a literal stack of cannabis related crimes. We were facing over 20 years in prison had we ended up with the maximum sentence.

Our time in jail taught us the place where we were being held, like much of the United States, was incredibly corrupt and wasn’t really interested in playing fair. Instead of fighting a battle we couldn’t really win we decided to fight with our feet to the border, to start a new life here in Acapulco Mexico.

And despite everything being against us we made it and managed to start our lives. Things are not perfect here but they’re good enough to make us regret not having done it sooner.

Our plan once getting here was simple but not that easy to do. We wanted to survive, start a new life and share our story to help inspire other people like us to think outside the box. We also want to inspire others like ourselves to consider a way out before they end up having to run, like we did.

Steemit gave us the means to justify sharing our story because we got paid to do so. We weren’t making as much as people like @dollarvigilante but we were making more than enough to really make a difference here in Southern Mexico.

Since then we’ve branched out into so many different things that we share on here now that our story has honestly got lost in the mix. There’s a link at the bottom of every post with a link list that shares more but it’s really hard to tell how many people actually see that link.

Soon I’ll start sharing the bits of the on the run tales we haven’t shared before they get too far from my memory to remember clearly. I’ve had many people tell me to write a book about my life, well here you see the starts of it. Eventually I’ll compile all the bits shared here on Steemit into a book.

Thank you all for your love and support, and click here if you want a bit more information about how we got here.

Check out the links below for more like this one!

2 Years of Freedom and 3600 Followers on Steemit!
2500 Followers on Steemit Thank You!
2500 Followers on Steemit Thank You!

In case you missed them, some of my recent posts:

Gluten Free Cacao Butter Brownies Recipe with Cacao Butter Frosting
Honey Sugar Scrub with Tumeric, Cinnamon and Lemon
Jungle Shots: Post Rain Garden Shots

Hi there, if you're new to my blog here on Steemit check out this for more information on who we are and how we got here.

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