Livin The Steem in Acapulco Bay: Our Anarchast Inverview with Jeff Berwick Just Released

Hey there everyone, here to share our latest adventure with you! After much preparation we finally did our Anarchast interview with @jeffberwick from The Dollar Vigilante.  He released it here on Youtube today!

For anyone interested in the backstory, we actually had to reschedule on Jeff probably like four times due to the fact that we weren't ready.  When he originally approached us for the interview, I just started going through detox from Kombucha and was sick.  Then @modprobe had his accident, and things kinda fell apart in some ways.  The house stopped getting cleaned and things were chaotic to say the least.  

Our house was a mess, more than I think Jeff understands but I know @modprobe does because he lived with us.  Things weren't easy but finally we got the house and farm to a state where we weren't cringing having Jeff here.  It's a farm in progress so it's not going to be perfect, but it shouldn't be a pigsty either.  To be honest, we got the house and property so clean that I took awhile to take photos, just for my memory. 

The interview was rough honestly, but not for Jeff's fault. Rebel screamed from the other room the whole time, making me nervous.  I kinda rambled about my how I became an anarchist partially as a result, but that's life sometimes.  All in all I'm as happy as I can be with how it turned out.

Jeff, thanks for your time and patience and sorry for all the bullshit! For anyone wondering, Jeff's daughter is a sweetheart who loves animals, we showed her around and let her pet some animals as it occurred to me that I've got my own little petting zoo.  She was also smart enough to charge him extra for her labor, as she was on her feet in the sun.  

To all those who have been following us, new people or those since the beginning, thank you for your support. 

Stay tuned for more shenanigans, I'll probably do some throwback posts sharing links to old posts for those who are new to our story.  Thanks for following and supporting, until next time!

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