Steem Fest Forking: Acapulco Edition


Since it’s launch, Steemit has fundamentally changed the way people look at producing and monetizing their content.  It was an attempt to fill a desire for content creators to be paid real value for their content and in many ways it has fit the bill!  Take us for example, we had an amazing story to share and no easy way to go about doing it.  Considering we needed money to survive, it didn’t make much sense to sit down and start writing until Steemit came along.  The financial incentives within Steemit got us interested and in many ways has fundamentally changed our lives.  We are not alone in this!   

As it gains in popularity, users crave the chance to meet in person and as a result, there are currently Steemit meetups and events in the works all over the planet.  From SteemFest2 in Lisbon to a Steempark in Boston, there are Steemians all over getting together.      Just today, @erikaharris made her own call for a Steemit meetup, one localized in our Acapulco hub.  

As she pointed out we’ve got many Steemians here in the city, like @jeffberwick and @modprobe and she’s right.  We were actually in the process of planning, writing and posting this as she shared her post earlier on the subject. Thanks Erika, for the good kick in the ass that your post provided!

Our dream is something of a “SteemFest Americas” for this side of the globe.  That name is just one of the many brainstormed titles we’ve come up for this, so even that is open for discussion here.  Steem Fest is being held in Europe again and we recognize that not everyone can make that regardless of how much they want to, ourselves included.  Not only that but there’s a huge Steemit population on this half of the globe that is just aching to be brought together, am I right?

Something I noticed at last years Anarchapulco conference was that there were a LOT of people from Steemit there, many of whom I recognized by username (like @voluntary).  By taking advantage of the fact that Steemians will already be congregating here during that time, we’ve already got a head start for getting people together.  All it takes is to organize the when, where and the how to make this a reality.

We do not have the details worked out as far as date, specific location or structure.  Like our forking of Anarchapulco, we’d like to leave it open ended based off of the needs of those who are interested in being involved.  We want your feedback on this as well as your help in making it happen (@hilarski, we know you’d probably love this idea! We’d love your help too!)  If we want a SteemFest on this half of the globe, it’s up to us to make it happen. So who’s with us?   

We all know Steemit has been a great experiment in human social interaction, both online and in real life.  Steemit has brought a lot of people together that maybe might not have become close without it.  Lives change because of things like this as people find new ways to connect with each other.  It’s important that we highlight these things with events like these!

Anyone that follows us knows about our friendship with Steemian @modprobe, someone who we honestly probably wouldn’t have in our lives (certainly not in the same way) had it not been for Steemit.  For a long time he read our posts, commented and showed interest in pursuing a life here in Acapulco. We did our best to answer his many questions (most of which were really good and necessary) and just before the conference he moved here bringing with him lots of new glassblowing tools for me. These sorts of things are only possible with real face to face interaction as well as the stuff that happens on the Steemit blockchain.

For reasons like this, we feel we must call for a much bigger meeting of Steemians on this half of the globe.  Acapulco is the perfect place for this sort of thing because of everything that’s already going on here, between the anarcho-capitalist community in it’s infancy or the Anarchapulco conference.  It’s close enough to the States for the huge base of US users to have access, but not so close that you’ve actually got to enter the empire.  Between the annual Anarchapulco conference and the fact that it’s just a really nice place to come and visit (Yay for super low prices and friendly people!), it’s a great central meeting point for many Steemians on this half of the globe!    

There was a huge love for Steemit present at last years Anarchapulco conference, we’re looking at getting those people together to celebrate the things that have happened as a result of this social experiment and to discuss new ways to develop and use this technology together! 

 So here starts the discussion, how are we going to make this happen?   

All proceeds from this post and any posts related to this are going to make this project happen, for whatever it needs.  All photos in this post save for the last one were just taken from Google and while they are awesome, they are not mine and I'd like to be clear on that.  These were likely made by Steemians, if you recognize your image let me know!

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