Running Spartan Race For Steemit

Hello Steemians :-)

I decided to promote Steemit while running the Spartan Race Super on September 3rd in Peterborough, UK.
One of my recent posts got me a really cool reward, so I felt that I should give something back to Steemit community.
I am taking part in this race for the first time. I started preparing properly a week ago.
I designed and bought this compression vest with Steemit logo to keep me dry and warm while rolling in mud and climbing the walls, during the race :-)
I have put it on during my last few trainings in the park to test it. It must have been hundreds of people (mostly young which is interesting) who kept staring at it, and while I was taking these photos some young couple asked me what Steemit is about :-)

It is 13 km+ course with over 20 obstacles, so quite a challenge :D
I will post photographs from the race.

I am also running this race to support veganism and provide just another evidence that you can acquire enough nutrition (protein, carbs etc) from vegan diet to be an enduring athlete.

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