If You Choose Wisely What To Write about, You Could Earn a Lot More Money On steemit, But Have You Chosen Wisely?

The biggest dilemma that the new joiners faces when they join steemit is whether to write about a particular field or to put steps in varied random writings.

Each and Every person here on steemit has two major area of focus, The first is writing a post and the second is curating others post. While curating, we don't have to make difficult decisions and can easily select the post by just considering the posts we like and the posts that we know will earn a lot so as to increase our curation rewards.

But there is a bigger question that lies on people's mind when it comes to posting on steemit.

Whether to stick to a few topics and keep writing about them daily or to expand our area and write about random topics.

Sticking to a few topics:

If you have a particular area of interest and want yourself to grow in that area, Repetition learning is the only thing that will help you.

Sticking to a few topics and always writing about one or two things is related to the repetitive learning. Repetition is a key factor in any learning. If you keep yourself in a single field, your knowledge about that field will grow daily and one day you will gain a lot of expertise in that field that you could reach to a position that your opinion will matter.

Repetitive learning about a field will help you improve the concepts and vocabulary of that field that will grow your writing skills in that field.


“Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment.” (Zig Ziglar)

Also, other major benefit include your specific follower growth, i.e most of your followers are following you because you are writing on the topic of their interest and they would like to know new things about their area of interest that you could provide. So they will stick with you and even they will bring more people of same interests on your profile that could boost your following. You could build up a community that will provide a strong support to you.

But the loss in this approach is that your followers will be limited to a definite amount and people with other areas of interest will not follow you. Too many topics with somewhat same structure, and Information can become monotonous for readers, making sometimes even very interesting things boring because they get very much used to those topics.

So it might happen that your growth of followers will slow down or maybe stop at a particular point.

Also, your followers will expect you to write something new and interesting everytime, and you have specific boundaries in a field which you could not pass.

Varied Topic Writing:

Experimenting with your writings could have huge benefits. There is a possibility, you could find new interests, skills. Developing a new skill will effect how you do things daily, That could make everyday tasks easier and time saving.

There is a saying in psychology, "Want to be happier, Learn something new daily".

You have to learn something new daily in order to write about it. Learning something new gets you access to new and different opportunities and the chance to try new experiences that might be the best ones you have ever tried. 

Trying something new will ensure you that you will meet new people, some of whom will have interest in your posts and will follow you. Everytime you post, your follower will be excited to read something new and different from your posts.

If you have knowledge of various fields, you could contribute a lot in your future posts from your previous knowledge and help yourself in giving examples from various fields, you could help yourself and your readers in learning things from various aspects.

I want you to imagine walking into a convenience store. The kind that has a wall of refrigerated units filled with soda. When you walk up, and you look at all those options, which of you get mad that you have options? Who gets all riled up about all those options? Not me. 

But I also don’t drink them all. I pick my favourite and move on. Sometimes I feel adventurous and try something from way back, or a new drink. But I like the options. I like choice and varied topic writings provide more choices.

The biggest benefit that varied writing gives you is instigating the feeling of excitement in you, like my yesterday's post Has Technology Failed Entirely In Reducing the Work Hours and Increasing The Productivity Of Workforce didn't do too well, and earned only about 2$, while a few days back posts like Have You Become a "Victim Of Imitation on Steemit?"-Please Don't Make Steemit A "Crypto News Bucket" and Genghis Khan: The Name that brought world down to its Knees. Part-2, made me 20$ each.

So when you are posting on a different topic daily, there is a sense of excitement in you that how good could your post do and you have no idea about it.

The drawback in this approach is that you have to make sure that your each post is pretty exciting, interesting. A single not so good post and your followers might loose interest in your post.

Also, most of your followers are from different interests, so you have to make sure that the topics you cover will be understood by all and that too easily, so your work on the post, writing skills and vocabulary increases.

You also could not build up a community while writing mixed topic. Suppose If you are a tech enthusiast and you always write about tech, So you will garner support of tech interested people and build up a community, who will always read your post, Upvote it and no matter who understand it or not but your community will understand and appreciate it. Similar is with foods, travel writing, trading news etc.

If you have about 50-60 People in your community, No matter how well people take your post or not, but you can surely expect votes of 35-40 of your community on your posts. that can make a huge difference.

So whichever approach you take on steemit, both have benefits and drawbacks. The Important question is how much Interest you could generate from people in your posts.

I like the Mixed writing approach and keep myself excited to hear views of my readers and critiques on steemit. Which approach do you use on steemit and which approach do you think is better and why? 

The Best comment will get 5 steem as reward.


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