Top 8 Best Reasons Why SWAT Teams Point Guns At Babies: Part 1 of 9

Yes, I know it's disgusting but it's true. In early August 2013 it happened to my friends in our "peace loving, hippie commune" as one reporter put it. 

At the time of the raid I wasn't living here at the community. I was living in the mountains of California when a mutual friend informed me of the incident. When I was told the SWAT team held a loaded machine gun at a two week old baby while she nursed and slept with her mother, I too, felt traumatized, wondering how so many people can be sleeping to the truth of our nation and what is truly happening, right in front of our eyes. What is truly going on? There is so much I could write here. I will be greatly challenged to keep this somewhat brief.  

Before I get started with my list of 8 reasons I want to share a little background information about our sustainable ecovillage, The Garden of Eden. Our founder is Quinn Eaker whom I confess is the most real, honorable and genuine person I've ever known. He is hard core devoted to the mission. He has already written a bad ass article giving the basics of who we are. Click here to access his article but remember to return to this one when you're done. When you return I'll tell you more about the SWAT raid.  

The Black Ops SWAT team raid began on the peaceful home with the raiders bursting into the private three and a half acre property at 7am in the morning. They began, dressed in black from head to toe, carrying fully loaded and packed machine guns, forcing themselves into personal bedrooms of sleeping adults and children including a 2 week old baby. 

If you go to Quinn's You Tube channel there you will see his numerous interviews with a variety of popular concerned activist and public figures describing the raid . To get started, I have chosen one for this article to give you some basic information straight from Quinn himself.  

By the time you get this far on this post I'm guessing you are feeling pretty disgusted too. We're just getting started, ya'll. We ain't even looked at the list of 8 reasons, yet. Now that you have been properly introduced to our community check out this article tomorrow for Part 2 of 9 where we will start with Reason number 8 and over the next 8 days we will work our way through this thought provoking list to number 1 of the Top 8 Best Reasons Why SWAT Teams Point Guns at Babies.

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