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Hackers filter more information from HBO and ask for millions of dollars in bitcoins

The nightmare for the streaming content platform continues as more confidential data is revealed.


One more week, HBO is again the center of attention due to the tense situation they are currently living in the company. The group of cybercriminals we spoke to last week seems to have met its threat and, under the motto "HBO is falling," have uploaded numerous confidential data to the internet yesterday. It is confirmed that the platform system itself may have been critically compromised, even though the CEO of the platform had attempted to downplay the issue in previous days.

The filtered data refers to private emails from a senior company position, as well as five scripts from his current star series, Game of Thrones (one of which is an episode yet to be released) or private and Personal emails from some of the actors, among others. But this is not the worst, since everything indicates that more information could be revealed in the coming days if the request that the group of attackers demands in this last leak is not met.

As we discussed last week, everything seemed to indicate that HBO was being coerced in some way to make the information not available to the public. The last conditions of this blackmail, made pubic by means of a video this last filtration, are directed directly to the chief executive of the company, Richard Plepler, and demand a payment in Bitcoin that surround the 6 million dollars.

Failure to do so, hackers threaten to continue to reveal information progressively in what has already become a real calvary for HBO. Even more dramatic is the situation considering that the new season of Game of Thrones is still in the middle, leaving in the air the outcome of it. It seems unlikely that from the streaming platform will face a payment of such proportions, so we are not at all sure that this is the last chapter of the most relevant mass hacking of the moment.

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