The #Blockchain Will Do to the Financial System What the Internet Did to Media


This extremely well-written, visionary article outlining the various facets in which the Blockchain could actually "change the world" is fascinating. Definitely worth a read if you are like me and are still a little fishy on the details of this revolutionary new concept. Written by Harvard Business School, it is a reputable source and very knowledgeable about the content

Most people nowadays are extremely skeptical about the idea of this virtual Blockchain. As Luddites, (People resistant to change and a break in their regular routine) they view these new breakthroughs in virtual development much the same as they looked at J.C.R. Licklider, and his idea of a "Intergalactic Network". "Ludicrous dreams" they said. The, when the dream became a reality in the 70's, they said it was "just a blow-over fad". Fast forward 4 decades later, and now the infamous internet is on the brink of being replaced by a fraud-resistant, P2P-integrated behemoth known as the Blockchain.

Click the link below if you are intrigued in learning more about science behind cryptocurrency!



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