Do You Care Too Much About Steemit Blogging Rewards? Find Out Here.

8 months ago, I did a little experiment on myself. I hid all the monetary rewards on Steemit for 24 hours. Now might be a good time to do it again.

Check out that post to understand what I mean: The Steemit $$$ Challenge: Prove To Yourself Why You Are Here

There seems to be some drama on Steemit about an experiment being run related to those with high STEEM Power not voting with their full vote power in order to increase the influence of the votes from accounts with less STEEM Power. I'm quite fascinated by the experiment and am curious to see what happens. I've seen my normal $0.01 vote go to $0.04 which is kind of neat. But... then the flags came. Some high STEEM Power holders didn't want to play along, so they continued voting and some others decided to counteract their votes with a flag (technically a "down vote" as far as the blockchain itself is concerned). The flamewars concerning flags and downvotes have been going on for months, and I've mostly stayed out of it. It's possible I've argued for both sides at different times.

This early in STEEM and Steemit's life, I don't really care.

I'm here for the long term. I think this is amazing technology, and I love how it has kept me consistently writing since I joined in June of last year. I love how I wrote some PHP code to work with the blockchain itself and how much fun I had in the process. I love the discussions I have here. A recent post of mine had 85 quality comments! How fantastic is that?!

So let's move on from worrying about the price. I've invested real money into this platform and technically, on paper, that's a loss to me. I purchased at much higher prices. I'm not worried because I didn't invest more than I could lose, and I believe in the long term prospects here. I have a right to be upset, but I'm not. In my opinion, there's far too much drama over this experiment. I say let it play out and see what happens. If the $$$ causes you trouble, go back to running my 24 hour experiment.

Here, this will make it easy:

Install Stylish and the "no prices" plugin here:

I just reinstalled it myself, and it still works great.

If you're too wrapped up in rewards for blogging you feel you deserve, then maybe take a break from Steemit or take a break from the rewards process via this Stylish plugin.

Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Medium... they don't pay anyone a penny and no one cares. Let's not get caught up in unnecessary drama. Life is a gift. Treat it as such, and you'll never be disappointed.

As I've said many times before, Steem On.

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, voluntaryist, and blockchain enthusiast. He wants to help create a world we all want to live in.

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