This past weekend, I attended RESTfest for the 5th year in a row. It's an amazing conference with some of the brightest minds in the API space. These people write the books and develop the specifications for the API technology developers around the world use. The cool thing about RESTfest is everyone who attends gives a talk. This year, I did something a little different. Instead of talking about my API or patterns I'm seeing in the API space, I talked about Steemit. I even wore my Steemit T-Shirt. :)
It's just under 8 minutes long. I hope you enjoy it!
REST Fest 2016 \ Luke Stokes \ FiveInFive from REST Fest on Vimeo.
The response I got from those in attendance was really positive. There were also some fun Twitter conversations that continued after the conference was over.
This is an exciting technology, and I for one am happy to be a part of it.