We're Early. Like, Really, Really Early.

I just had a random thought pop into my head after seeing my BitShares account number: #114583

Remember ICQ? It was one of the first widely adopted chat / messaging platforms, and I remember creating an account pretty early on (1996 or 1997 maybe?). Most of my friends had never heard of it, but once it became popular it seemed everyone was using it. My account number was somewhere around ~130,000. Everyone else I saw had account numbers in the millions.

I was early at over 130 thousand.

Edit: It's possible I've completely misremembered my account number and it was actually 130,000,000. A friend mentioned they had a number around 120M and remembered signing up around when I thought I did... I've been searching through old computers and backups trying to find my original ICQ info. I found a forum post of mine from 1999 on the Licq forums, but didn't have my number in the signature... so, yeah. If you have more info, please let me know. I'm curious.

My BitShares account number is even less than that.

What about Steem?


That's really, really early.

Anyone with an account number less than a million is early, if this platform takes off as we all hope it will.

Back to the ICQ example:

At its peak around 2001, ICQ had more than 100 million accounts registered. At the time of the Mail.Ru acquisition in 2010, there were around 42 million daily users. Since 2013 ICQ has 11 million monthly users.

How many accounts will eventually be created on the Steem blockchain? How many people will want direct rewards for their social media activity?

What we need, I think, is patience and time. 1996 to 2001 is five years. ICQ provided a valuable solution for its time. Steemit is doing the same, rewarding content authors and curators with real tokens of value. I'm proud to be a pioneer here, and I hope you are too. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us.

Steem On

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Visit UnderstandingBlockchainFreedom.com

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