The First Steemians MeetUp in Taiwan!【STEEMIT微型聚會在台灣】

Steemit is always a great place to meet new friends. A group of four Steemians has just had their first meetup in Taipei, Taiwan!
This is an article (in Chinese) written by @Lydiachan, to share the good times with you.
What follows is the English version written by @Stoodkev.




因為妹子剛好在週二得知一位目前在台灣的法國小帥哥 @stoodkev正準備來台北(心花開),身為專業的帥哥追蹤者(@wilkinshui 你放心!我還是最愛你的帥兒子)當然不能錯過這個當嚮導的機會 福利,所以當日就匆匆的問了幾個用戶是否可以一同共襄盛舉,不然一個人要跟他獨處實在是太害羞了!



明天要上班啊!! 冏


IMAGE 2017-08-24 16:37:50.jpg

照片由左至右分別是:地頭蛇 @Lydiachan、頭一次露臉的 @ygern、美學攝影師 @shieha,最後壓軸就是我們的新朋友 @stoodkev

From left to right: @Lydiachan, @ygern, @shieha, and @stoodkev


以下就是 @stoodkev 的文章介紹,希望大家可以跟他做朋友喔!

A Great Time Meeting New Friends in Taipei

Hi! @stoodkev here for the English part of this post! It has not even been a month that I am in this amazing platform but I am already addicted to Steemit. The main reason? The community! I am a Frenchie living in Taiwan and after only a week blogging (at least trying) in Chinese, I already got the chance to meet some Steemians in Taipei.

Although I gave them a really short notice of my coming (I live in Tainan, South of Taiwan), I got to meet @lydiachan, @ygern and @shieha and had a great time discussing with them around a Starbucks' smoothie.

Of course we talked about Steemit, about mining and cryptocurrencies in general but we also learned a great deal about each other, and I believe that is what really matters in a community. It was especially interesting to see how we all ended up on that same platform although we all came from different backgrounds and countries. @shieha and @lydiachan are both Taiwanese but @shieha has been living for years in Canada, while @ygern came from Malaysia to Taiwan around the same time than me.

We spent our time sharing our lives and our traveling experience, recommending each other some places to visit and planning to, hopefully, make the next one together! It was really great to meet you guys, let's do it again soon!

A very brief introduction to the members

@Lydiachan: Love photography, traveling, cooking, and workout. Her blog posts always bring you some interesting stuff to read about Taiwan.

@ygern: A Malaysian living in Taiwan. He blogs mostly in Chinese, but would try to start posting some English contents.

@shieha: The most "senior" Steemian among the four. He is a photographer from Taiwan, and you should follow him for his amazing artworks!

@stoodkev: A French living in Taiwan. Click here for his self-introduction post in English, or 自介文 in Chinese.

**本篇收益將會與當日有參加者分享。Payout from this post will be shared among all participants of the gathering.

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