I designed some Inspirational and Motivational Steemit Wallpapers for everyone to use


Wallpapers are really awesome. I mean, they're the one image you have a lot of contact with. If you're like me and spend a lot of time around computers, Wallpapers can definitely set the tone of how you feel when you're doing work on your computer.

I decided to take a crack at what I can come up with for you guys. One thing that came up as an idea, was possibly getting a few wallpapers made with the steemit logo.

When I thought of Steemit, too words really popped up. Ocean, and Infinity. Ocean because, steemit is a wide ocean of content and ideas. A total ecosystem. The size of you as just one person in this ocean is compared to fish. More specifically, Minnows, and whales. Infinity, because of the endless amount of possibility, everyone has a chance to ascend to a new level, a totally different world. Much like travelling into space.

I love calming effects, and I love space. Using some images from pexels as a foundation, I came up with some inspiring wallpapers you guys could use.


How you use these images is totally up to you, and you can use them for any reason or project, without attribution.

The images are 1920x1080

Source files

I hope you guys find use for these images, my favorite is the ocean one, but the space one isn't so bad either. And feel free to rip these up and come up with your own works.

I'm definitely just getting warmed up, I'm going to be bringing a lot more content out for everyone to use. One project I have cooking up is seriously ambitious and will not disappoint when it's completed.

Thank you so much for reading!

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