Steemit Logo Vectorized and cleaned up, with slight improvements for better promotional material for steemit


Hey guys, I wanted to share this with all of you. It's the steemit logo that's totally vectorized and ready to go for use in any sort of graphic. If you don't know already, I am a graphics designer with a few years under my belt as a freelancer.

TLDR: The download is below.

The reason why I vectorized it, was very simple, there's no source file for the actual logo. At least not officially.

There is a vector of the logo, but after careful and close examination of the file, I noticed a lot of inaccuracy. Most noticeably offset paths.


As you can see, this is not quite accurate. Usually, these kinds of inconsistencies are created when you live-trace an image. After noticing these errors, I set out to create a replica.

Now, after careful re-creation, I noticed a bit of an inconsistency with the original logo. The steam veins are not symmetrical.
Now there isn't anything wrong with asymmetrical logos, but usually, when a logo is asymmetrical, it's usually done on purpose and then focalized.

original steemvein.gif

As you can see here, when you flip it upside down, you'll notice that the shape does not match up. I'm not quite sure if this was intentional by the original designer. But, I did decide to go a little bit further and clean up the shapes for more consistency. This is not meant as an insult or any sort of that to the original artist. I just thought that it might be a better idea to have the shapes consistent so that other designers and producers can have an easier time in using the logo for promotional purposes.

I know for motion graphics, symmetrical shapes are better to work with.

In this version of the logo, I made it more symmetrical.

Either way, this vector is in every way the same as the original logo. Just vectorized and cleaned up, so people can use this for any projects that they may want to create. I know for a fact some of you promoters out there are going to find a good use for it.

I know that @someguy123 is going to be happy that he no longer has to use a rasterized image for his projects.

So for all intents and purposes, you can use this file for whatever you need it for. You do not need to ask me for permission nor do you have to credit me for it. If you need this file, it was made for you to use in any shape or form.

This post is all about giving back to the community as a whole. I'm going to be shifting focus on giving back to the community as whole for a while, and I have a very long list of ideas of how I'm going to make that happen. I would appreciate any support you guys can give me.

Here's the File

Logo Giveaway

Alrighty so, In my introduction post I mentioned that I would like to help contribute to the steemit community right?

Well, I came up with a very fair and awesome way I can do just that. I will like to announce that I will be doing a weekly logo design giveaway.

Under normal circumstances, I would advise no logo designer to give away their product for nothing. However, steemit has embraced me, and I'd like to keep good on my word and return the favor.

Once every week, on Monday, I will select 1 random follower to have a one totally free logo design from start to finish. All that follower has to do is provide me a brief, and I will take care of the rest.

So perhaps you're a startup and are looking for a good mark for your company, be sure to follow me for a chance to get yours!

For more information, check out my post

Looking for server hosting? @privex has you covered! Get your cheap hosting with privacy guaranteed!

Also if you're into program development, Steem, Peerplays or even some good old political posts from the UK @someguy123 has got you covered!

Want to follow some genuinely interesting makeup and special effects blog? @mysterymerr is new and needs your support! Please show her some love!

Thanks for reading!!!!

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