We made a Steemit mural in a school to promote steemit

Hi guys, I hope you are well! In this post I want to show you the process and tell you the story of the Steemit mural we made to promote steemit inside a school!


How did the idea of ​​making a mural come about?

One afternoon I was telling an artist friend about steemit, I told him that steemit is an excellent place for artists because here the community value art and make competitions in which he could participate. Living in Venezuela where a minimum monthly salary is $ 4 -5 $ Steemit could be an excellent option for him and for many people in my country, that's why I talk about Steemit wherever i go.

That's why we wanted to leave a steemit brand in the city

At first the idea was to do it in a public place so that it could be seen by many people as they pass

We agreed that he would present a design and I would present it to the steemit community to make it a reality, the days passed and he presented the design:

In the days while I was waiting for the design, I received a letter from the director of a school in which they asked us through @youarehope for help to restore a playground because it was very deteriorated and presented a risk to the children of the school.

Restoration of a kids playground in a school in Venezuela Final Outcome THANKS STEEMIT & @Youarehope

Since I already had some painting and art in mind, why not combine the two? I could do the mural inside the school and let the teachers ask about it and then tell them about Steemit. And it was the best thing I could do...

We start with the mural

Sketch by pencil and painting some blue base



More colors


I loved all the process


Final result


Promoting Steemit inside the school


As I spent several days working at the school I had the opportunity to speak with all the teachers, to whom I explained that @Youarehope is a foundation in charge of helping people in need around the world, and that we exist within Steemit.com. I told them that in these times of crisis, it is an excellent opportunity to live in Venezuela

In the days that I spent working in the restoration of the park I could hear many teachers complain about the little they earn from salary, that they did not have enough to eat, hearing these teachers talk I could realize that they were really there by vocation, because They like to be educators, they do not do it for the money.

I explained to each teacher that steemit is a page that pays to create content, publishing quality articles that people vote and those votes have monetary value in cryptocurrencies(Steem) and obviously i invited all them to join! I gave them a piece of paper with the steemit link (https://steemit.com)

and to make they never forget it, we leave them a big mural

so they could tell the parents of the children too, when they ask:

Who restored the park?

Steemit & @youarehope did it

Youarehope Banner.gif

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