Let simplicity settle in your life, let the moments present to penetrate you ...

... to live simpler, and therefore better in terms of material, physical, psychological, spiritual, in order to explore the huge potential that we have, each of us ...

I always wonder what is the way and the "ideal way of life?". And, by successive eliminations, I gradually understood that I was looking for simplicity. It was the most appropriate way of living comfortably and according to my own conscience. I understand that by simplicity I can accept my life as it is, without seeking to explain everything, analyze, dissect everything. In short, I understand how to live "zen"! So, I understand that simplicity is a positive value that enriches and ennobles man ...

Philosophers of Antiquity, Christian Mischists, wise Buddhists of India, all have made a mission of reminding us of the principles of simplicity. Thanks to them, we can live free from prejudices, constraints, hardships that make us dispel our energy and stress us. It offers the solution to many of our problems. And yet, to live simple I was not very ... simple! It is, I think, a slow-moving challenge, like a metamorphosis, with an increasingly strong desire to live less, but with more fluidity, freedom and ease. And with much more refinement! We have gained the deep and strong belief that we are the more free and more impressed with the fewer things we have.

Our age has begun to be aware of the dangers of excess and opulence, and women - and not only them - who want to rediscover the joys and benefits of a simpler, more natural life are more and more numerous. Women who, beyond the fiery temptations of the consumer society, seek the meaning of their lives, while remaining in harmony with their own age.


In Western society, we no longer know how to live simply, we have too many material goods, too many variations, too many temptations, too many tendencies, too much food. It is not about achieving perfection, but about living a richer life. But abundance does not necessarily bring with it either grace or elegance ... Rather, we can say that it is easy to lay down the souls and imprison them. Simplicity, however, can solve many of the problems. Stop holding a lot of goods and you will have more time to take care of your own body. And when you feel good in your own body, you will be able to forget it and cultivate your spirit with a meaningful existence. You will be just happier, happier!

Simplicity means to have few, leaving free for what is essential and for the quintessence of things. And then, simplicity is beautiful, because it hides all sorts of wonders ...

People consume, acquire, accumulate, collect. "They have" friends and relationships, "hold" diplomas, titles and medals ... They collapse under the weight of their possessions and forget or fail to realize that their lusts turn them into lifeless beings, subject to more and more desires.


... And, after all, change means life ...

We are the packaging and not the content. Detachment of our own possessions can help us become the way we would like to be. Our essence is not in things, and to become minimalists, we sometimes need spiritual and intellectual baggage. You know, there's also a spiritual malnutrition alongside food malnutrition ...

Discipline, clarity and will, these are the conditions for living strictly in clean and airy rooms. Minimalism requires a discipline of life and a great attention to detail. And so the Purchase will come out and you will look at life with more lucidity.

Let us enrich our body with sensations, the heart with impulses, the spirit of principles and not the life with objects ...

It is said that the only form of freedom is, undoubtedly, when we have nothing, when we lack the attachment of things and when we want as little as we can. Accumulations are a burden, as is the multitude and fragmentation.

"Space, light and order, this is what man needs to live beside his plate and a bed. "Le Corbusier

And so, we can draw the conclusion that simplicity implies a harmony between little and indispensable things, and as things are simpler, the better it must be of a better quality, an essential condition!

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