STEEMIT, with many dreams...


We lose to the crowd but not to anyone. Often it happens even when we choose a new way in this life, it happens even when we put our hopes in someone, dear ones we love, which we probably still love above, and sometimes it happens To leave us in the street, in a new city, and you feel lost, and sometimes you feel broken, because you do not even want to feel anything you've ever felt before. That's how it happened to me when I got here in STEEMIT, with many dreams in me, in my heart, with many hopes in my soul, and I find myself now after almost a year when I'm thinking now whether it's worth it Or if it was not worth living here, and I think it was sincerely worth it, it is always worth fighting all the way to your last breath, regardless of the people you met, no matter what stake Is or was in the game. This is the beginning of my story, the story of a man Lost in the STEEMIT, the story of a man sometimes too lonely, the story of a man often surrounded by too many people and too much of a smile, this is the story of a man who met a lot Too many people, the story of a man with too much changing states of mind, the story of a man full of dreams and hopes in him, in his soul, in his heart, this is the story of a man who wanted to love again His whole soul.


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