How to Make Steem Rise (pun intended) a #Dolphinschool challenge and a few observations about successful steemers!

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Good day, fellow Minnows, I want to present a challenge today. It’s become clear that there will be bickering and squabbling for as long as the slump in steem price lasts. People get jealous of other’s success when they feel it comes at their expense. Now, it is up in the past day and the tightening of the voting and payout belts seems to be loosening, but to get it back to what it was, we need $3 steem prices again!
Brief explanation:
• Daily payouts are geared toward doubling the amount of steem each year, meaning a specific amount of “steem” not steem dollars, is issued each day.
• Steem dollars are pegged to the US dollar, so that steem dollars, are always roughly worth $1 USD.
• Because of that, the higher the price of “steem” goes, the more SBDs will be paid out each day, making liquid assets plentiful, bigger payouts more common, and raising the value of each vote in SBD!
So, what do I propose we lowly minnows can do about it? Simple, RECRUIT!
In order to get steem to rise (pun intended) we need more users and more activity, producing more content. So, you and I, the lowly minnows with no power to speak of, should be thinking of ourselves, and that little nest egg of steem power we each have, that could be worth a whole lot more if this platform succeeds!
Here’s an example: Do you remember back about four or five years ago when any Google search that started with “How to” ended on “Ehow”? Some of the content was great, but some was horrible, but the site dominated search results in nearly every learning category and DIY topic, how?
• Ehow recognized the value of content, before a lot of others did.
• They hired writers, like me, to crank out content based on search term research, and questions being asked but not answered online.
• I personally wrote almost 3000 articles for them in 18 months, for hire, and the writing team had hundreds of workers.
They dominated search because they dominated the content volume for those topics. Now, I am not suggesting we should dominate search results with crappy DIY articles, we are a bit more diverse here, but I think you understand the principle.
More users means more content, means more search traffic, means more visitors, means more users and investors, means higher steem! And that means better SBD payouts and more liquid voting power for smaller users!
So, here is what I propose, I’m going to layout my personal plan, and it’s not complicated, at all, in fact, I’ve already been doing it.
• Write, shoot videos, create art, shoot photos, and share them here! You’ll do better if you choose topics people want to hear about.
• Share your posts outside of steemit to your social media platforms, using the sharing buttons here, or by creating links to share.
• Focus on areas outside the steemit family (steemit FB groups are great, but we already know those people, so add some others!)
• Talk about your steemit channel and invite friends, family, business acquaintances, etc, to check it out. Stop being shy and go drag them in here! The more the merrier.
• Don’t prejudge who would be good for the platform, truth is, you don’t know!
That being said, there are some people who are a natural fit. I’ve already recruited several in various categories and they have profiles here. Here are some people groups that might see the potential in steemit better than others.
• Writers looking to get paid for blogging. It’s hard out there. It’s not EASY in here, but it’s easier. Not only will they potentially get paid, but they’ll also gain audience and get some great comments!
• Photographers get overlooked in the wider world sometimes. These days, anyone with a digital SLR thinks they have a good idea for taking pics, but it’s not true! Know a great photog? Get them here!
• Artists looking to increase exposure! Even if they just share previous work, they’ll get some attention, and if they’re smart they can leverage that into sales and commissions to create new work!
• Developers, app writers, coders, IT types, and technical gurus of all stripes. We need these people to keep building onto the block chain, since many of us creators are not technically oriented. This is their tribe and lately they’ve been well rewarded for their contributions!
• People who have a bitcoin wallet. They may already know about us, but talk to them anyway, because they may still not have joined!
• Anyone who has used social media, ever. I know, they may not contribute a lot, but even if they just upvote and comment, they can earn steem, which could be worth a fortune if we all band together and build this community.
So, you’re asking, what’s in it for me? Well, I think I already explained that at the beginning, but in case having your small steem power turn into something really valuable isn’t enough, here are some other benefits to recruiting.
• You can build your own fan base! Think of it, do you vote for the person who brought you in? If not, why not?
• Increase your voting power, through the rise in your reputation score, the activity you engage in with the new users and the increase in the price of steem!
• Raise your own profile here on the site. As more people know you, word gets out. Become a star recruiter and see how it impacts the votes on your own posts!
But, in general, the main reason still comes back to bringing success to this awesome platform and helping to build the community that could show the world the economy of the future, if we can stop all of the bickering, political maneuvering and infighting and focus on sharing and reading great content that draws a crowd!
That’s my main point for the day, but here are a few observations about growing into the dolphin class. Taking notes? Why not?
I’m totally bummed that masteryoda was forced to give up sharing stats and hope one of you fills the void and starts sharing daily and weekly leader board like they one yoda had up every day! It was awesome. It helped me identify what the more successful authors on the platform were doing. Not so I could complain about the inequality of their payout (bad idea) but so I could emulate what they were doing (good idea) here are a few things consistently high paying accounts have going for them.

  1. They have a lot of posts on the site. Compare your post number with theirs and I bet theirs is higher. They post and comment consistently to get their names out in the community.
  2. They have higher than average audience numbers, almost always. This is not as true of the “curator” types that have large amounts of steem, but don’t blog much. This stems from #1
  3. They tend to stay positive. It’s unnecessary for us to engage in so much bickering, and I’m guilty of it too, but here’s the thing, if the top posts make this place look like a war zone, who wants to join that? They can have that on Facebook!
  4. They carry on conversation. If you leave a comment, they thank you. Many of them give to others, share payouts, promote, etc. In short, they engage in the community building portion of this project.
    So, there are some things to think about and work on. Set a goal for how many new users can bring in this week. If all of us that are active were to do one a week, the platform would flourish and steem would rise!

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