What Have You Done For Steemit Lately?........3 Ways To Make The Price Of Steem Go UP!!!.........The Steemit Road Show.


Who Would Love To See Steemit Grow?

Who Want's To See The Price Of Steem Go UP?

Who Is Willing To Do Something About It?

I'm guessing everyone here would say yes to the first 2 questions, but how is it possible for the average steemian to help steemit grow and influence the price of steem?

I think if we all followed these three steps then we would start to see immediate results :

Believe in steemit.

Invest in steem.

Get others to Join and invest in steem.

I would like to say at this point that I do not work for steemit, I work as a truck driver in the summers and then I go travelling with my family in our tinyhouse during the winters, I don't work here but I do BELIEVE IN STEEMIT, I have already put my money where my mouth is and INVESTED $6.000 in steempower and now I want to GET OTHERS TO JOIN AND INVEST too.

Introducing The Steemit Road Show.

The Steemit Road Show will start in the north of Sweden and will stop at every big town and city on our route to the south of Portugal where we will end up at steemfest2. The road show will start in 2 weeks when we leave our home town of Skellefteå in our tinyhouse on wheels.

This route will take us through 8 Countries, 21 City's, and countless big towns and that's without any detours. If we get enough requests then detours can and will be made :)

Skellefteå, North Sweden.

The way I see it, if you want to get peoples attention, then just shoving a flyer in their face is not going to work, if they do accept it then you know is going straight in the bin or even worse on the floor.

I think it's better to start off by offering them something they love, and in Sweden people love Fika. Fika is a Swedish word for coffee and cake and if you really want to catch the attention of a Swede then all you have to do is say the words FREE FIKA!!!!!

Once you have given them something they love then they usually turn their attention to the giver of Fika, this is where I gently and slowly tell them about the wonders of steemit.

In Sweden I will give out Fika, In France, croissant and so on.

The way I see it, people join steemit for various reasons, some just come to have fun and to interact with this amazing community, others come on the promise to make big bucks.

Instead of telling people that you can join steemit and be rich in an instant, which lets be honest unless you are super charming or have a very unusual story then this is not going to happen straight away, instead I tell them that to be successful on steemit you need to build it like you would a business as I feel for steemit to grow to its fullest potential then we need people who are willing to invest both time and money into the platform.

This was just a trial run with a small budget in a small town but I have bigger plans for the Steemit Road Show.

This is more the look I am going for with the European Road Show, this all packs down in to a carry bag and is super lightweight, It will look a lot more professional and stand out a bit more, this pic was edited on my phone so you can imagine the real thing will look even better, I am even thinking to ditch the beard to give it all a cleaner look :)

English is my first language and even though I am fluent in Swedish I did the whole thing in English and seemed to have no problem getting my message across, people took it all in and I was actually surprised how many people in this small town had even heard of cryptocurrencies.

I believe this is a great way to get people interested in steemit and although this alone will not make the price of steem go up, hopefully it will inspire others on steemit to take action and get out there to spread the word and if you don't fancy standing there on center stage then just invest in a little steempower, if we all did our bit then I guarantee you the adoption of steem will skyrocket which will in turn push the price up :)

If you liked this and you want to see this happen in every town and city from the north of Sweden to the South of Portugal then get behind it, support it with your upvotes and resteems and I'll do the rest :)

I will leave you with some more foto's of my first ever steemit road show.

Peace and love to the World












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