Steemit going VIRAL!


As we speak, steemit new accounts are raining in at an unprecedented pace, I first noticed a huge increase in new accounts each time I ran my daily stats script, so I decided to take a closer look at where all these new accounts are coming from, and the results were amazing!

The main conclusion is that the new accounts are resulting from new registrations on, unlike the old days where mining was the main source of new accounts, it seems now there is a rush from outside of the crypto community with registrations peaking to a few thousands per day sometimes.

The following chart shows an exponential growth of new accounts registered through starting from mid-July:

Cumulative overall new accounts chart:


You can see that the red line took a drastic turn up, while the other lines kept their normal growth rate, if this chart tells us anything it’s that steemit reached audience beyond crypto, which is really exciting! And promising!

In our next chart, we take a closer look at new accounts registrations over the past 15 days, we can see the average new daily registration is around 1200, yes 1200 new members daily in average!

15 days steemit new accounts chart:


It’s really huge for a website that fully launched about a month ago!

Our last chart shows that now, accounts for nearly 97% of new accounts creation, while miners account for 2.7% and CLI wallet account creations for 0.3%


There are definitely big days ahead of us, with steemit going viral, and expanding out of the crypto sphere. It’s certainly the first crypto project that took this decisive step.

This is gentlemen !!!

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