Follower loyalty - A new metric for a new year.

The real long term asset on this platform is followers.

When you choose to see everything I post, you're giving me the gift of your attention in the attention economy, and it's a gift I'm grateful for.

That gratitude has me carefully considering and labouring over each post. If you've trusted me with your time, the last thing I want to do is abuse that trust.

To keep track of how well I'm doing, I've been looking at how well I retain my followers.

As it stands, I've kept 99.03%
(I was almost 99.34% a week ago, but @imarealboy777 unfollowed me 3 days ago.)

Checking your follower loyalty percentage is very straightforward.

Head over to
scroll down and count the total number of red 'unfollow's

Add that to your total number of current followers, to get the total number of people who have ever followed you.

I have 3 unfollows, and 307 current followers, so 310 people have at some point clicked my 'follow' button.
@kaylinart has 7 unfollow events, and 975 current followers, for a total of 982
@imarealboy777 has 28 unfollows, and 139 current followers, for a total of 167

Then you just divide your current followers by your total followers to get your follower loyalty percentage.

@kaylinart is running at 99.28%
@imarealboy777 is on 83.23%

If the guys who run, or were to pull that data directly from the blockchain, it would be a handy way to rank content producers based on how well they've respected the time and attention of their followers, and a great place to find new authors.

Can you beat the lovely @kaylinart?
Would you like to see @elyaque make some new follower loyalty percentage badges, like the cool ones below?
Share your loyalty percentage in the comments, and have a fantastic day.

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