Announcing the frist Steem Dollar Ticker.

For the latest USD exchange rate price on your hard earned SD:

LAST UPDATE 7/8: website screenshot right after it went thought the $1 threshold at 15:30 CEST (15/07/07)

Curently its a bit of work to calculate what the "exact" exchange rate of Steem Dollars is compared to the USD. And since I was quite interested in the latest exchange rate I decided to make a tool. This started with a simple google spreadsheet that I shared here with you.

Since I got quite some response I further developed the idea of a website ticker that shows the current "real" value of the Steem Dollar compared to the dollar.

To explain how the conversion works I'm going to show you an example with some "random" values. Next to that you can read from which exchanges the values are loaded from.

Actual Live Data:
SD/STEEM = 0.329000 SD (internal markets ask price)
BTC/STEEM = 0.00043 BTC (Bittrex price from api)
USD/BTC = $639.085 (Coindesk price from api)

Calculation & Formula:
1 SD = 3.0395136778115 STEEM
3.0395136778115 STEEM * 0.00043 BTC = 0.001306990881459 BTC
0.001306990881459 BTC * 639.085 USD = $ 0.8352782674772

1.) Add conversion to other FIAT (EURO / GBP / CAD)
2.) Logging page with statistics and history of SD/USD price.
3.) Display generated images to post Steem Dollar price badges.
4.) Making it mobile ready
5.) Fixing the graphical glitches on diffrent screen sizes.

9/7/2016 - Adden collors of STEEM & VESTS convertion so pages and values are not mistaken.
9/7/2016 - Added a convertion page to go from steem to USD and BTC
9/7/2016 - Added a box with BTC values
9/7/2016 - Added a conversion box - choose your own amount of SD to convert to USD.
8/7/2016 - Added a conversion page to go from VESTS to STEEM
8/7/2016 - Included the actual information and formula for convertion
8/7/2016 - Fully automated the convertion with several api's
7/7/2016 - Changed the domain to

Please spread the word and let me know if you have any tips, tricks, suggestions or feedback on the current Steem Dollar Ticker.

#steemit #steem #trading #ticker #crypto #productivity #payout #dollar #first #steemdollar

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