Hello Mental Masturbator

Over the last couple of 100degrees events, I noticed while there are a few who are totally excited about Steemit, open their accounts on the spot, and once it’s approved, started writing their first post.

Action rewarded. #boom

Then of course, there are the “no-lar-writing-is-not-for-me” group, which I usually just ask them to check out other cryptocurrency generations means like Kinguin.io or Kik Messenger. Of course, getting a mining server rig works too.

But the group that gets me the most are those who ask a million and one questions...

“Seriously, where the money comes from?”

“Should I open multiple accounts?”

“Should I learn markdown formatting, or just do it on Typora/Bear like you recommended?”

“What should I write about?”

“What topics can make the most money on Steemit?”

“Will Steem’s value go up like Bitcoin?"

“I know you and @bitrocker2020 have explained it, but seriously now: where the money comes from?”

And do… nothing.

Don't get me wrong, I like questions, because I too am naturally curious. But the part on needing to get 120% understanding on something before taking action, or the over-perfectionist who needs the first post to be 120% beyond perfection? They kill me!

Best part is, you can point them to as many FAQs, Knowledge Base, YouTube videos, but 2 months later, they have yet to post anything on their account. And I usually found out, not because I stalk them, but when they PM me on WhatsApp and asked,

“Why didn’t you tell me SBD1 is USD13.13 now?”

Of course, I told them it doesn’t mean JACK SHIT because even if it is USD18,739,647/SBD, it requires you to have SBD to start with, and that means you gotta create contents first (unless they wanna deposit money into the account).

It just amazes me that some of the smartest people I know (unfortunately) are in this category. Brilliant minds they have, and talented writers too. But the act of over thinking caused them to suffer from analysis-paralysis, and the strive for Godly perfection for the very first Steemit post is suicidal (to me, but hey, maybe to them too!)

Worse is when they can’t move on. I would have been totally ok if they look at Steemit, said No, and turned the other way. But they simply can’t! They see their friends earning Steem and ranking up their reputations, and say to themselves that they can do it too. They go around asking others how much they have made, and become envious of their commitment to produce content regularly.

They would ask tips on content creation:

  • How to write
  • How to structure
  • How to format
  • What photos to use
  • What photos not to use
  • Bullet points?
  • Or no bullet points?
  • Will their IP be protected?
  • Will Steemit crash and take away their money?
  • Will Jibby win the next GE?

Over time, my response is,

“Maybe Steem is just not for you. Hey look, there’s a Ponzi scheme!”

Post-End Credit Scene:

A few months later, in the wee hours of a Monday morning, the clock flashed: 3.43am. The multiple buzz from my phone alerted me from my slumber.

I picked up the phone and looked at the screen.

“Mav, where the money from Steemit come from?"

Wait, why's Mav posting on Steemit nowadays?

Well, unlike other blogging and social media platform, Steemit is the only platform that allows me to earn cryptocurrency when I engage with it. Yup, one Steem is about USD1, and you, too, can earn Steem Dollars every time you:

  • Create content (articles, blog posts, podcasts, videos, photos)
  • Upvote (like) other people contents
  • Comment on other people's posts
  • Have discussions, share opinions etc!

Yup, basically it's the very same thing you're doing on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc all along!

The only difference? For once you can earn a nice income on the side!

Sign up for a free Steemit account, and you can thank me by coming back and upvoting this article. And guess what, you will earn Steem too for doing that! #awesome


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