100 WINNERS EVERY DAY This is my attempt to help STEEMIT solve some of the major problems that STEEMIT is experiencing . One of those problems is user activity . If STEEMIT would do a daily Sweepstakes and give away 500 SP to 100 of the daily entrants everyday using a computer random drawing to select the 100 daily winners . This would only be 50,000 steem of the 1,152,000 steem created everyday .
DISTRIBUTION MUST TAKE PLACE in order for steemit user growth to grow exponentially . At present users are on the decline .
POSTS **Image credit : steemle.com
REPLIES Image credit : steemle.com
As part of the entry process the entrant would have to agree to the terms of the sweepstakes . As an example one of the terms would be for the entrant to allow STEEMIT to post an advertisement on the entrants facebook page advertising the STEEMIT DAILY SWEEPSTAKES .
By doing the sweepstakes in this way this would create a huge awareness of steemit and drive an explosion of new steemin members . A sweepstakes would increase user activity because to enter you have to upvote the sweepstakes . And when they go to up vote to enter the sweepstakes everyday a large percent will no doubt explore and begin using steemit .
The 100 winning steemins a day now have a vested interest in steemit and will begin to use the platform . This is just a very basic outline of an idea .
SWEEPSTAKES EVERYONE WINS. image credit pixabay
Now I know sweepstakes are not easy to administer, and there are many legal issues to evaluate and consider before going forward with a sweepstakes .
Go here : http://sarafhawkins.com/blog-law-is-your-giveaway-legal/
DISCLAIMER THIS is NOT a sweepstakes but only a post about sweepstakes .
So what do you think about this idea ? Please feel free to comment below . Also if you feel this needs to be seen by many steemins please help promote this to the top of the promote page . I think something needs to be done to increase active users this idea is just my 2 cents worth .