SteemFest-born idea of New Project : More Women on Steemit and in Crypto! OPEN CALL - what do you say???

An idea born during SteemFest

While looking around the crowd at SteemFest, I realized that the proportion of men and women wasn't really ...let's say 'fair'. Of course, I guess it's normal, since most women, if they don't have boyfriend into crypto (thanks babe @creutzy ! ;) ), they don't know much about it.

I think it's time to bring more of us into the game though, don't you think? Come on, ladies! Let's make it 50-50 at the next SteemFest, shall we?

I first talked with @immarojas and @dreamiely about it, and very excited they both agreed that it sounds interesting! We immediately got also @teodora and @osm0sis on board, who joined our discord channel 'steemcraze'. We are still trying to figure out the name of this new group/project, but still playing with names -we'll see! I talked about it with @things and @sjennon as well and hopefully they're in ;)

photo credit: @creutzy

Just to get one thing straight. This is not about feminism. I just think that Steemit and Cryptocurrencies should be open to both sexes. Yes, we women are more 'sensitive' in a way, and maybe much less of us into technology and relevant stuff, but it's a shame for so many of us to be missing the joys of this type of blogging. Most of my girlfriends (ok, and some male friends too I must admit) around the globe, have no idea what crypto is and when I start to explain they say it's complicated and get easily bored. Let's make it easy for them - let's promote this project to smoothly get more women to get interested, to get motivated, to join Steemit and ...start trading! (why not?)

I would love if some of my favorite ladies on this platform supported this project! Just to name a few [and I will contact you in private as well, ladies, because I think the notifications don't work very well with mentions lately], my friend @natureofbeing, my favorite Greek Steemian @ruth-girl, the incredible-S @stellabelle and @patrice, amazing girls I met at SteemFest @surfermarly, @everlove, @mrs.steemit, @soldier, @mammasitta, @gringalicious, @wolfcat, @lifemovedbysteem, @saramiller, @foxxycat, @silviabeneforti (and her daughter, also on Steemit! @noemilunastorta) and of course my OCD colleagues @m31, @macchiata, @sardart, @ashleykalila @Roxane, @geke and @mariska.lubis!

The World is Ours if we want it to be... Photo credit: @creutzy - in Barcelona ;)

Let's show this platform some girl power!

**Let's show everyone that it's ALL of this PLUS BRAINS ** ;) ;) ;) Let's look towards the future -TOGETHER!
Hit me with direct messages on steemit chat or discord if you're in - and then, we'll find the way! :D
Until then... don't forget to smile....

*Who runs the world? GIRLS!* Beyoncé via YouTube
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