Distorted Wisdom - A sure approach to burning out

I've noticed a few Steemians in my time here who post every single day. As a matter of fact they post a lot more than me by a long shot. You would think they would be doing a lot better, but somehow someway their "efforts" (please note the "") don't seem to be paying off. Now, the thing is, I think they know what they are doing wrong, but either decided not to care, or assume that somehow, someway, it will eventually pay off.

The old - "Working smart, not hard"

You've heard the saying before, but honestly even this advice is not that great. Why? Because our concept of smart working is very diverse. A prime example of this would be the picture I've chosen for this particular post. Our genius thinks he figured out an amazing way to shortcut the job, to get it done quick, not taking into account the danger he has chosen to put himself in.

I'm constantly baffled by the lengths some people will go to rig a system, to cheat, to not do work. It's pretty comical. I remember downloading a tutorial on how hackers clone credit cards after being a victim of it myself. The amount of work it takes, the amount of failed attempts. I mean, it's as if they are trying to fill the pool with shot glass, but they don't see it this way.

This distorted wisdom, because that's the only thing I can think of calling it, is very alive and present on the Steemitsphere. There are those who work really hard at finding "the trick" and don't realize that their quest to finding the easy way out, is taking so much more of their time. Of course this is not always the case, there are some who did manage to find "a trick" but I'm inclined to say the truly successful ones probably hold fat wallets that take away the intellectual merit of said "trick".

In other words, a whale could sit all day and shitpost and make a lot of money. We know this all too well since there is a very infamous one always making his appearance on trending. However, these whales are the exception, as we already know, not that many people hold massive amounts of SP, and even among those who do, not all participate of this activity.

My observation, or at least the message I'm attempting to convey, is directed to those who either barely belong to the 1% surpassing the 500 SP mark but are pretty far away from living off their Steem Income. I happen to believe there is a considerable number of them who are attempting to find the trick, abuse the autovotes, etc, etc.

I guess no one can change their mind, not really. I've tried plenty of times to engage those who are partaking of the futile work, but they seem OK with their reality. In truth, no amount of posting, on it's own that is, will ever sum up to something incredible. As we have it today steemit is not a content driven platform, it's probably more accurately described today as a social networking platform that uses content for interaction. When these relentless "bloggers" focus on just posting, they miss out on the main driving force behind growth.

Do they know? Do they care? I don't know, but if they are posting memes, gifs and other low value content, getting little to no interaction and once they do, not interacting back and are not wondering what the hell is going on. Then there is a good chance that they will continue to fill a pool with a shot glass until their fingers fall off.

If I'm being rude, I'm sorry... truth is salty at times.

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