Fighting Spam & Low Quality Content Together. Part 1: What Do You Think Is Spam

I guess we've all noticed: SteemIt is being overwhelmed by posts and comments that are either spam, plagiarism or just plain crap...


I Need Your Help

During the last week, I have been discussing the huge amount of low-quality and/or spam content & comments that are overtaking SteemIt at the moment.

I think I have an idea that might turn this around, or at least reduce it, but I need your help to realize this. Maybe it won't have any effect at all, but then at least we can say that we have tried,

Now, before I can go on working out the idea I have, I need to have a clear idea of what is considered as low-quality or spam content/comments by other people. Of course there is a definition, but I still assume everyone fills it in differently.

My Questions To You

That's why I'd like to hear from you:

1. What you personally consider as spam or low-quality.

2. What you think is plagiarism, and what is not. (For example: opinions are divided whether posting YouTube videos can be considered as (self-)plagiarism or not.

With these questions, I'm targeting the people I've been talking about this earlier this week, like @bullishmoney, @anthonyadavisii, @valth, @sebastianic, @xwarrioryz, @saltaire, @jhonny1, @katharsisdrill.

But I'm targeting YOU TOO!
I think everyone's insights are important.

If you want to to help to fight this annoying disease that is infecting the SteemIt platform, I'd really appreciate to hear from you.

In order to set up the 'anti-spam' campaign I have been thinking about, I need to be able to define 'spam', 'low-quality content' and '(self-)plagiarism' as complete as I can.

Feel free to resteem this post, or tag fellow Steemians of whom you think they can and want to contribute.


Images Source: Pixabay

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