SteemIt Suggestion: How I Wish I Could Bookmark Post

A bookmarking or ‘Save to read later’ feature would save me so much time...


Earlier today I took a quick gelanceerd at my SteemIt stream and there was one post in particular that caught my attention.

Since my visitors arrived on the exact same moment, I didn’t get a chance to do more than quickly scan the content.

The writer stated that you lose loads of money by using the internal market to exchange SBD to Steem, and suggested to use an exchange.

I simply didn’t have the time to go look for the article on Busy and bookmark it.
As a result, I’ve just spent loads of time trying to find it again - without any success by the way.

This happens to me more often than I want it to.

How great would it be to be able to bookmark a post because you’re really interested but simply don’t have time to read it at the samt time you discover it?

And imagine being able to save these posts to different sub-folders you would create yourself, so you can keep things organised... wouldn’t that be awesome?

Personally I think it could be a real time-saver, and it would make SteemIt an even better place.

What do you think? Can you relate to this? Or do you think this feature would be useless to you?

I’d like to hear your thoughts on this!

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