STEEMWHO.COM - Your Who's Who Guide - Get Listed Now! is my contribution to the steemit community

Find others with common interests

I love how steemit is attracting professionals from all walks of life and I thought it would be good for people to be able to search for others with the same interests.

As a long time developer I saw I could participate in this wonderful community and put my time and resources into this project. is what I put together and I hope you like it.

Submitting your information

If you want to be included simply click on the Submit an entry link on the website and put in your details. There is no sign up or even email address asked for. The system will give you an encoded link for you to save so you can edit your entry at any time.

I will approve each entry to verify and only those with a reputation of 40 or more will be approved.

At the bottom of the page it will choose 2 people from the list and feature their last post.

If you have any questions or enhancements you would like to see then please comment below.

This could be your chance to get noticed

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